Fake claiming as BD on stand/in jail is reportable for multiple reasons.
Whatever you are doing, you are messing with some sort of count.
Either the neutral count, or the count of said class you are claiming.
In the opening example of this, you are claiming Princess as Paladin.
If you are the only Paladin, suddenly there will be no BD Paladin claim, and the inq or CL might end up being the only Paladin claim, and end up going free beacuse of that.
Or on the opposite spectrum, you could end up being the 4th Princess claim.
The info you give, can easily be proven to be fake logs. And once they are, you’ll end up getting executed for it. Yes, this isn’t part of the opening example, but it’s still part of why fake claiming as BD on stand is punishable.
Regarding things like the Hunter 1vs1 with EK scenario, yes niche scenarios exist where not claiming/fake claiming can be benefical to you. However, in those cases you won’t be seeing the hunter get reported or punished either.
If it’s like D2 and the hunter doesn’t claim, or fake claims, to just arrow someone because arrow is fun and randomly hits an evil, that hunter will still get punished.
Next I’d like to adress why fake claiming on stand is differnt than open claiming.
Trials are limited.
Anyone can open claim what they want, whenever they want.
But on stand, the attention of everyone is on you, you are literally given time for just you and the King to speak. Nobody can interrupt you, there is no “missing” the claim to anyone that pays ANY attention to the game.
But open claims can go missing, I’ve seen CL/MM attempt to convert an open alch claim more often then I’d like to admit, but that happend because they just missed the open claim.
But not once did I see CL/MM attempt to convert a neut that claimed on stand. Because they all saw the claim.
If trials were not a limited ressource, like jails are, fake claiming on stand would not be punished.
But they are limited.