FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)


everyone* here has seen the wallpost

*that can read



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i am you table

Okay. I’ll take a chance and try trusting you about Lol Orange. I hope I don’t regret this.

/vote lol

uni vote lol

lots of people don’t read up I’m afraid.

don’t act innocent, you know what you did. :newspaper_roll:

that’s a self vote buddy

now do you see what I mean by your backtracking?

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leafia wtf he’s the man who you’re scumreading the most dont vote the person he’s puhing for wtf

that dies tomorrow every time

imma deathtunnel someone tomorrow

y’all better hope it’s not you


the thoughts were about centuries continuing to be wolfy and that if tan actually flips v my concern on him skyrockets

tbf, it’s leafia, but i wouldnt mind a vig or ita on them

It is? How?

this post doesnt give me high hopes

honestly the 3 people I want dead by tomorrow atm if they fail to die today (mainly for lol) is Leafia, Intensify and lol

I haven’t seen enough from Intensify to sign off on that but the other two 100%

1 - orangeandblack5
2-∞ - self vote