FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

okay im gonna be honest

the SoD/EoD time choice for this game sucked im sorry

I feel like thats not the shot they take?

who, silviu and joker?

i think former is very wolfy idr the latter

marl i won one event and claimed to have won a bpv

the dayvig was a joke


It’s good for me!

It went from 1 AM to 3 AM for me

What time is it for you lmao

im dayvigging marl to prove that i have a dayvig tho



  1. how the fuck do you claimvig fk from whatever he’s revealed so far
  2. does anyone wanna claim that kill

im not showing up to EoD anymore nya

It was good for me before being moved (actually only reason i can really play)

Someone rez fk he was too young

fk claimed a N0 on luxy

Didn’t you win the math thing too

but he already died :flushed:

i asked you why

The hero shot ability is hella cool

no marshal won that

i only said i won that for :joy_cat:


Small theory but it might have to do with the omega thing he was talking about?

Though unlikely, I do notice that FK also has a omega ability or whatever.

I’m guessing he died to the anti claim mechanic and who did he green check again?