FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

Why are you acting like it wasn’t crossed out, Mist? Of course crossed out things aren’t serious.

I don’t like this response at all. Is something the matter?

School and homework sucks.

Except I’m almost done skool, only one week left so I’m basically sluggishly waiting for the last days of skool to be over

Intensify-san’s early read on Orange is actually nuanced, and he asks natural-looking questions to evaluate his reads
instead of just throwing them out there with bravado and seeing what sticks

maybe not nuanced
but it’s like
not the type of read I see wolves making a lot

Lets do this together then! I am also ending school soon! :smiley:

thank you uni.

Why Astand Should Be The Lynch

Astand is a player known for being really good at being town in large mashes, with high wim and solid reads. Now, while I do admit that much is all secondhand knowledge on my part, it is nonetheless true that this is also evident in his non-mash games. In light of that, his play here is exceptionally disappointing, but what I find really outs him is the way that the rest of the game reacts (or, often, doesn’t) to his actions.

His opener is already off to a bad start - despite the numerous giant red warning signs about anti-claim, astand begins the game with a mechanical focus that is in particular almost explicitly a miller soft, and then follows it up with an admission he won’t actually be trying:

What I find most damning about this post isn’t actually that it was made, it’s the fact that nobody, and I mean nobody, commented on it at all. Yes, SoD1 was hectic, but a miller claim is literally free real estate for scum to push, and if he ends up being townread then pressuring him for details can help inform a claimvig there later on. As scum, there is literally zero downside to pressing this post, and yet not a single person did. This is not a coincidence.

Astand then takes a strong early stance, and when Vulgard presses him for why he townreads Maxi he gives a reason that is a blatantly bad reason to townread Maxi in particular and something he in particular would know better than to use. His only defence for this is “it’s too early for reads to matter” which town!astand just does not say.

Then he makes a few more posts about how he’s not going to try and dips from the thread.

There are literally only two other things of note in his entire iso. First, the part where he “retracts his townread on Maxi” for posting an image - this would end up being his last post, and I just don’t see any way that town!astand leaves things there if he can avoid it.

And second is his literal singular post that provides any sort of reads:

sulit is an incredibly easy townread to throw out in any game and despite commenting on needing to “find a scumread” he made literally zero effort to do so, leaving his vote sitting on FK from RVS.

Astand is a very competent town player in these environments, but the dejection astand was feeling in this game was almost palpable. The fact that almost nobody has pushed him despite this is an incredibly bad look - I think it has literally only been Vulgard and I going after him at any point, excepting whatever min may have said to ended up there. This is, bar none, the most likely slot to flip red pretty much regardless of anything lol did after subbing in, and we should always end the day here.

In any way I can help :smiley:

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i will look into this nya

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yeah no shit

I mean like
after 10 seconds of looking at the case having already skimmed his iso it looks bad and its overall agreeable
but theoretically I should actually deeper-read the iso

And Im glad things are getting better for you Whysper! And its alright if you can’t respond right away, just wanted to make sure everyone is alright!

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/vote tangeld

I posted almost the entire iso

I left out only two posts that I can remember

the RVS on Fire and him saying “oh Vulgard you don’t actually think I’m scum or you’d push harder… right?”

neither seem important

yeah that’s a good case

really solidifies the fact that I won’t move today

why did you end up there anywyas

While I am uninformed at the moment, I will say that Sulit is someone I consider to be town by their reads and tone. However, there is a fine line I will be watching for Sulit.


They made like 300-something posts

She’s either town or playing out of her fucking mind

Everyone so far has made many posts, some more than their usual games.