FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

i mean
if aelin wants to nya
i like doing it this way but some of you guys might not

im fine either way

I’d prefer if this not be done in the thread

Anyways it seems I’m on cooking duty (again) so I’ll see y’all in a bit

ftr iw as going to play 2. e4 nya

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fair enough


lichess or chess dot com challenge

I’m going to fall asleep and right after I do so there will be an event

I’m calling it now

namely the string of posts revolving his reaction to FK dying just is like

really bad

i dont actually think the reaction to the kill itself is incredibly out of character for him


i think mins post is kind of spot on

the first post i quoted from intensify feels like an attempt to give themselves an out while looking villagery

the rest is just kinda fucking awful and doesnt need explaining

also time control?



@sulit if intensify isnt in shotlists i propose you add him


ok ze

I second

i may have accidentally accepted this trying to spectate

wait theres more

I need a player to tunnel

someone give me one and I’ll tunnel them tomorrow.

The winner was mist, or so im told

The the 4 there were additional winners


Im voting there because i have a policy of only voting for scumleans instead of nulls
And having not read 7000+ posts
The current sole occupant of my scumleans is you due to tinfoil mech

You mean the post about ISOs?

That one was pure sarcasm

I’d expect myself to give up on ISOing people but I guess I didn’t.

If you don’t like my reaction, then whatever shrug.

Mist insisted on a little tinfoil theory that didn’t hold much water.