FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

how do I get in this


its funny
people thought lol and i were scummates

you’ve missed too much


I don’t think I ever saw any of astand’s or lol’s posts

We have less than ten minutes to save the one I’m currently townreading the most and Lol’s flip will help me determine whether or not I should reeval Orange.

Yes apparently

I didn’t think the ‘go to reply’ button not working would affect me this badly

no time for playerlist aaaaaaaaa

I’m here
I have nothing to say except orangeandblack.exe

please vote lol cringelords

Yes but does lol’s flip help anyone else to reevaluate orange or is it just you?

/vote luxy

i dont give a shit who you kill, tan is a fine kill, her ate scares me but the rest of her actions are whatever. lol slot i still think is v tbh but we can resolve him/orange. luk cfd aint happening sadge

you see the thing is

lol’s push started hours ago. About 4-5 hours ago to be exact

my reads from earlier were p good

I stand by them

what the fuck Marshal

I thought astand was being pushed all day


orange never dies here
if you wanna vote vote lol or me