FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

p much every mash ever has a town/wolf uni backup

POV: PKR tries to shoot Emilia.


vulgard lolcatting? :flushed:

There’s no proof that was me.
That could be anyone.

How would I do the wrong thing? >.>

In that case, the statement in flipped wolf anticlaimer’s rolecard is odd. The one that implies “other anticlaim effects.”

Either they have a factional anticlaim, or they have 2+ roles with anticlaim. There being one anticlaimer + a backup wouldn’t make much sense given how that’s phrased.

Unless this clause exists for the specific scenario:

  • the anticlaimer gets shot during the day

  • the backup inherits

To prevent the backup from shooting again, because that would give the wolves bonus KP.

sounds like something geyde would add a clause for

Can agree with that.

this sure is a votecount

I’m still the top wagon for… what reason, exactly?

probably the redcheck

i dont remember selfvoting

probably happened, sounds like me

it’s cute though i’ll keep it overnight

Is Cloned town?

Is Lemonfairy guaranteed town?

I’m looking at Esooa / Centuries / Emilia / Appel here, but that’s not enough wolves, unless Jane is a wolf as well.

I remember sulit talking about how Cloned wasn’t villagery before she got shot.

Lemon is not guaranteed town.
We’re a 4 person neighbourhood (Me/Luxy/Amelia/Lemonfairy)
I quickly brought up (in thread 1) that there’s likely a wolf between Luxy, Amelia and Lemon.
Luxy agreed on this and said it in thread Day 2.

Also I feel like Lemon’s reaction to the Amelia flip was just like mine.
As if we both hoped it was a wolf but both didn’t actually know it was.

Noting that Marshal’s reads were very good. At least the townreads.

Found the reason she was killed by wolves n1?

Also, sulit said nothing about cloned d2. But I’m sure someone I read town (or who flipped town) said something like that…

weren’t you also looking at me?

ok i’m going back to work but @ me if you want me to answer anything later

my clear on cloned is admittedly pretty outdated but i think still correct. tentatively. the claim earlier felt kinda real from what i remember but im tired so im not rereading it

lemon isnt an IC or anything but prob V? shrugze?

i still think esooa is town for raesons i kinda explaned earlier i think?

centuries is… idk. i have a check on him i think is >rand V, and i think their role is real regardless of alignment (and they said they have a positive result so that can probably be softconfirmed?) just not rly sure how i feel about that + commutal activator

emilia is… PoE at best; i don’t personally think they’ve been super wolfy? but they’re less townie than a majority of alive players

appels role is weird. i think their d1 is good, i think they drop off. they said they’d do stuff earlier and didn’t. idk how to feel.

my brain thinks there’s likely a wolf in esooa/wind/appel/arctic though because i think it’s pretty unlikely all of those roles are town, and if my setup speculation is right i’d kill appel of those four first every day of the week

wouldnt surprsie me if every name on this list was town so :wowee:

i was hoping to finish that post by 4:20AM so i could make a funny but i’m slow so now you only know of me being a funny


im realizing that i should probably reevaluate the entire game because i v read too many people

@katze do that later

thanks @katze

Oh, yeah, it was day 1. That’s what I remembered.

She claimed??