FM Championship Voting ;D

You can’t vote more than 3 though…

You aren’t supposed to but i dont think the poll actually restricts you

I’m almost certain it does.

Nope, you’re right! which is strange

It does, it won’t let you click “Vote” if you have more than 3 ticks down.

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Oh, durr. Some people just didn’t vote for 3, they only voted for 1-2. That makes sense.

If I just consider the current top 5 (Marl, Eevee, Orange, myself, Frost) and consider all the games of FOL/SFOL/FM held in the last year or so… (Excluding SFOL19)

Infiltration in Bowser’s Castle (In Progress)
Lost Frost, Marl
DNTP (Moley, Eevee, Orange)

Y’all Pick (In Progress)
Alive Eevee, Marl
DNTP (Moley, Orange, Frost)

FM Unknown (In Progress)
Host Marl
Alive Moley, Frost,
DNTP (Orange, Eevee)

The Worst Ipick (Canned)
‘Win’ Eevee, Marl
DNTP (Moley, Orange, Frost)

SFOL20 (In Progress)
Alive Marl, Frost
DNTP (Eevee, Moley, Orange)

Anything Upick can happen (In Progress)
Dead Marl
DNTP (Eevee, Moley, Orange, Frost)

FOL 13
Win Moley, Frost, Marl
DNTP (Orange, Eevee)

Host Orange
Win Moley
Lost Marl
DNTP (Eevee, Frost)

SFOL 17.5
Win Eevee? (I think)
Lost Orange, Marl, Frost (I guess)
DNTP (Moley)

Popcorn Mafia 2
Host Marl
Win Moley
DNTP (Frost, Orange, Eevee)

FM - French Revoloution
Lost Marl
DNTP (Moley, Frost, Orange, Eevee)

FM - Mountainous 2
Host Marl
DNTP (Moley, Frost, Orange, Eevee)

Upick FM - Go Insane
Win Eevee, Marl
Lost Frost
DNTP (Moley, Orange)

FM - Enemy Within
Host Frost
Win Marl
DNTP (Moley, Orange, Eevee)

FM Mexican Standoff
Win Eevee, Orange
Lost Moley, Marl
DNTP (Frost)

SFOL 16.5
Win Marl
Lost Frost, Eevee (Modkilled due to rule-breach)
DNTP (Orange, Moley)

Host Marl
DNTP (Orange, Moley, Eevee, Frost)

Bread and Circuses
Win Marl, Eevee
DNTP (Orange, Moley, Frost)

FOL 12
Win Moley, Eevee, Orange, Frost
Lost Marl

SFOL15 (Canned)
‘Win’ Orange, Marl
DNTP (Eevee, Moley, Frost)

FM Muliball NeighbourhoodMadness
Win Marl
Lost Frost
DNTP (Eevee, Moley, Orange)

FM Purgatory
Host Marl
Lost Frost, Moley
DNTP (Eevee, Orange)

Win Moley, Marl, Frost
DNTP (Eevee, Orange)

Host Orange
Lost Marl, Moley, Frost
DNTP (Eevee)

FM - Mountainous
Won Moley, Marl, Frost, Orange
DNTP (Eevee)

Won Marl, Frost (I think?)
DNTP (Orange, Eevee, Moley)

FOL 11
Lost Moley, Orange, Frost
DNTP (Eevee, Marl)

Win Moley, Eevee
Lost Orange
DNTP (Frost, Marl)

Win Moley
Lost Frost
DNTP (Marl, Eevee, Orange)

Win Orange
DNTP (Eevee, Moley, Marl, Frost)

Host Eevee
Win Moley
Lost Frost
DNTP (Orange, Marl)

FOL 10
Win Moley, Frost
DNTP (Eevee, Marl, Orange)

DNTP (Eevee, Marl, Moley, Orange, Frost)

Lost Frost
DNTP (Eevee, Marl, Moley, Orange)

Won Moley, Frost
Lost Orange, Eevee
DNTP (Marl)

In Summary
(Hosted games = attended - Canned games count as wins, hosted games and games in progress do not count towards win percentage)

FM attend % = 29.5%
FM Win % = 100% *highest
FOL attend % = 33.5%
FOL Win % = 60%
Overall Attend % = 31.5% *lowest
Overall Win % = 78% *Highest

FM attend % = 12% *lowest
FM Win % = 100% *highest
FOL attend % = 50%
FOL Win % = 43%
Overall Attend % = 31.5% *lowest
Overall Win % = 55.5%

FM attend % = 94% *highest
FM Win % = 66.5%
FOL attend % = 55.5%
FOL Win % = 66.5%
Overall Attend % = 77%
Overall Win % = 66.5%

FM attend % = 47%
FM Win % = 16.5% *lowest
FOL attend % = 72% *highest
FOL Win % = 41.5% *Lowest
Overall Attend % = 60% *highest
Overall Win % = 33.5% *lowest

FM attend % = 35%
FM Win % = 60%
FOL attend % = 55.5%
FOL Win % = 80% *highest
Overall Attend % = 45,5%
Overall Win % = 75%

Actually crunching these numbers surprised me. I could have sworn Orange was in more games :octopus:

I’d still personally prefer Orange as our Rep, Eevee as back up (assuming I’m neither of them)

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Too many numbers.

translator please


Technicly I was helping hosting Modkilled. And with that I’m more active than Orange!


You seemed to be in every game I wasn’t, which was kinda funneh

But regardless, I personally feel Orange should be our rep - mostly because he works hard coming up with ideas to improve the game… and should have been our rep last year

Uh I know this helps my stats but
Can we not count bastard games when taking stats

We all know I didn’t deserve this win

Lel, I counted the Upicks too.

Nuuuu, Marluxion, I want my Psychopatic King win in stats.

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Don’t count this as a loss yet tho :^]

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I can’t remember if I did or not :octopus:

I want to count avarge survivability in game tho.
That would telll us much more :smiley:

Yeah but the upicks didn’t have a secret third mechanically town proveable faction who also knew all the scum

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That’s fair

I usually get killed or converted p quick tbh

Then I have a ridiculously high score in FOL :stuck_out_tongue:

Moleland, remembers who carried all the Mexican Standoff for mafia, after Orange and the Lymphoma died to first 2 shoots? :^)