[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Oh boy.

I have a suggestion, press enter after you have written the word: [spoiler], and press enter after [/quote].


technically since your vote is unquoted it counts as a vote for you

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Starting with this because this was main concept I wanted to transition wisdom read.

Out of curiosity does anyone consider this hedging?

Or would you call it wolf for other reasons? Because I’m pretty sure it qualifies for neither.


Eh, will fix later.

I can probably redo my vote in style

Me saying that I find a read spicy shouldn’t imply I agree with it.

is there a way to spoiler here?


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Vote was for a sc position and context for me not changing it is nobody gives me votecounts when I asked at several points later.

Planned entry pre-alignment and vote was on friend as meme. Nai, minor flaw.

Please help. I’m 4000 posts in and I’m nowhere near done. At this point, I might as well be staying up the whole night

I re-read Wisdom and I suddenly remember why I didn’t like her slot

Basically her entire Iso is weak reads, she gives out light townreads on a few people and weak scumreads that she never really turns into pushes at any point. I feel like when I’ve read games of hers on MU she’s been more willing to actually make pushes.
also this post really pinged me:

I get that a lot of people were scumreading Emilia, but given that I lightly TR her and strongly TR Pilica, her setting it up as intrinsically TvS is not a good look. It reminds me of my team’s play in LotR, where we’d wait for townies to push other townies, sheep their push to cause a mislynch, and then blame the person we were sheeping for the mislynch even though we’d been the ones actually pushing it.

/vote Wisdom


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Actually, use hide details for your ISO, because your ISO will still clog up the thread if you use blur spoiler.

Also yes there is a way to spoiler assuming you mean the arrow thing

Click on the gear then click on Hide Details

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Was going to engage with others on this but since nobody else has mentioned it this read is objectively speaking NOT a hedge.

I say "After skimming the last few posts I think sirderps seems towny (with the context being more engaged and interested then my experience with them last game when they were wolf) and I would do a more thorough scan later to get a stronger read since my read was light and reading through their other posts would be both useful and practical no?

OlIvE gArDeN
Unlimited Breadsticks, Salad, and Soup! AAAAAAAAAAAA


Hedging is when you say

“Marshal reaction testing me was towny but them voting me was scummy so I dont have a read there.”

Give thoughts in both directions and dont take a strong stance. My townread was only in one direction and promised more work that I later found unnecessary as sirderps kept up engagement and interest in a way he struggled to as a wolf in the game that ended right as this one started.

This is more fair but the context is Nuclear likes to fake redcheck almost every game where I like to make mock in-thread-masonships.

Was a meme and my way of engaging with them since they would get the reference.

This took an agenda of me not forming reads and didnt consider context of me engaging him (eevee) about his reads and find some people to look into myself to see if I agree.

As context when people do give me names I usually ended up disagreeing with them in the case of Emilia and Sirderps so saying I was doing this to avoid making my own reads is nonsensical and not backed by anything I actually did with any of my reads.

Me addressing why I had a lot of townreads, so this is context for another point, which granted would probably be one of the stronger ones absent of knowing me.