[quote=“Napoleon, post:357, topic:82543, full:true”]

You don’t strike me as the type to go “I am purposefully making myself hard to read to obscure my meta”

I do not think that you are that type of person, and I think you have a good wolf and town game and know that.

So no, I flat out don’t believe this at all, this isn’t something I feel like you actually want to do.

I am going to go for some supper and such, so this will likely be my last post for a while, but there is likely a wolf in Nappy/Arete. There is no way in hell they can be w/w together and I will have to read the ISO on both slots before I make a decision there.

Ban Count

Voted Voters Votes
Romeo and Juliet TBE 1/5
The Scientists Jane, Derps/Gorta 2/5
New World Order Napoleon 1/5
Napoleon MarshalKat, Romeo and Juliet 2/5
DatBird/Wazza Sulit/orange 1/5

Fun Link {won’t ruin your day probably}
Fun Link 2 {probably less interesting}
Fun Link 3 {I don’t give shit}
Fun Link for Sulit

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if you think we’re scum nappy vote us

The only assertion was that she didn’t read the thread because I thought only my recent posts were dominating, to which she admitted to it.

Like, let’s suppose Ami is a town and actually read the thread - she would use the entire thread to build up a case against me instead if she believed I was scum.

If she’s a wolf and read the entire thread, she would do the same thing as well.

It’s NAI.

Wolves try and sound logical and if she had read the entire thread, I’m sure she might have brought up some of the earlier parts of my ISO as well because Marshal shaded it and people seemed to believe in it.

Your argument is that I’m TMIing you because I assumed that Ami didn’t read the thread over that I believe she’s scum. You’re making it look like that I can’t believe that Ami can’t both be scum and not read the thread… which is of course, a terrible argument…

I already did.

I like how Arete only decided to vote me after that flimsy argument they came up with.


you are either dumb as hell or wolf

literally look at any of my town games

i don’t generally make long cases
i take a handful of posts that ping me as off and explain why

it was a thing that was off the top my head
do you think for a spur of the moment read i’ll go “hrmm i’ll make a full case for this”

i don’t see it :eye:

I am scared.

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I did not!

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Quick, everyone call Geyde a nerd.

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that’s not what I’m saying

I’m saying that the fact that you assumed the reason for her argument being the way it was was that she wasn’t reading the thread is TMI



someone can be both a wolf and not reading the thread

that doesn’t change the fact that the assumption you made is inconsistent with the reads you supposedly have

Geyde is a nerd!

I like how rather than actually addressing my point you blatantly misrepresented it

and then added a bunch of posts that serve literally no purpose except shade

My only claim on your read is that your read was superficial and it was. You admitted it.

Overall, Arete is playing scummy.

Maybe I’m conf!biasing you as wolf when you should be null, but Arete is playing wolf and continuing to play like a wolf - this isn’t town Arete for voting me based on that lmao.

Anyways, I got to go now so here’s why Arete is a wolf.

  • Arete didn’t follow up on their read on me when they thought I was being performstive because they were “busy pursuing other reads” (Marshal/Nap was main convo btw)
  • Arete votes me on the dumbest TMI argument - its such a twist of words
  • Look at Aretes responses to my questions, they actually suck
  • I’m actually mislynchable

If you are a wolf, at least you want your arguments to make sense - and she produced an argument that I thought could only be produced by reading some of the thread.

I don’t think Amis posts are as AI as yours. Ami hasn’t proven to be town and your responses to my questions are terrible.

Also your reason for voting me was a reach, it literally screamed “oh no, Nap is scumreading me, let me find a reason to scumread him…on FOUND ONE!”

I’ve made a good case on you - your answers sucked and you don’t even deny it.

Your case on me is shit.

I didn’t agree with Marshals case but this one is especially bad no offense Arete.

Bud Id take a break, just cool off and lets have this be a bit more like peaceful

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Ye. I need to go anyways. Later amigos.