amazing reasons i concede

who’s actually townreading me?

Dat is.

orange explicitly said it was just because of joat softs

arete idk

you kyo and derps have all said you wolfread me

that’s like 3 scumreads 1 townread and 2 ??

im not even a townread

mind explaning why

also it was in strikethroughs and you are leaving that kind of important context out

Your scum bud

no problem

I got the impression you were


[quote=“Marshal, post:1520, topic:82543”]

‘why are people so scummy’ is more likely a thought from scum trying to open the PoE

‘why are people so towny’ is more likely from town trying to find a misclear

This is from Experience :tm:

that post looked alot for like the former

everything around it talked about dat

what context did I miss

…was I supposed to grab a few different posts to support a thought I had on a sentence?



Fuck Mario

You missed the context that was the fact that the post was in strikethroughs

Which usually means the read is less confident and a halfmeme or dumb tinfoil

you can look at my posts

^ really quick post from wolfgame I found that proves that wrong :slightly_smiling_face:

What actual evidence do you have to back it up

this is probably from like you seeing a wolf say that once and a town say the other thing once and taking it as supreme lord evidence that you are always right

Do you have posts from 2 different games where someone made each of those comments or is it like a 1-time thing you’ve seen and latched on to

Tinfoiling dat slot scum NGL

Tell me more


i dont care

nearly every town game I end up with too many TRs

for scum, yes ive only seen it once(Nappy CFM2)

and ta-da

I still dont care

I saw something I didnt like and thats why I didnt like it

I didnt like the post, whether or not it was in strike throughs

so because you, personally townread too many people in town games , that means that it holds true for everyone and is a valid reason to scumread

I proved you wrong once and I could probably prove you wrong again if I looked hard enough

your evidence is anecdotal and super weak

all of your reads are super weak






tbh your read on me and like your overall readslist is super low-effort and utilizes very poor logic
and I simply think you are better than that.

You can’t back up your reads well and you are outright ignoring logic and using faulty ones.

I think you are probably wolf because I think you are better as town than what you have showcased this game.

You are capable of decent reads and thought processes but your explinations for reads and progression is superfuckingweak and I think that town!you is better than this while wolf!you doesn’t have good logic to back up reads because it’s all TMI and/or agenda.

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I dont consider myself proven wrong

I often run into this problem as town and do not believe I am the only one to do so

because of this, I tend to consider this line of thinking townier then not, and therefore the opposite thinking less so

does this make sense, of why I didnt like that sentence?

FUCKING HELL I just lost a big post I was writing

time for rewriting

You have been so painfully lackluster, so devoid of logical thinking and reasoning behind reads that I can only come to the conclusion that you are wolf

You are capable of logical thinking and backing up your reasons with reads but this game all of your reads are either backed up by weak reasoning or entirely devolved into gutreads

It’s hard to address points on you by people who are wolfreading you when you prove them wrong with literal facts and actual logic and they say “I don’t care”


I proved your point wrong by providing evidence to the contrary

I could probably find more if I needed to

But you fucking go “I don’t care”

if this were a debate you would be declared the utter loser because your counterargument to my counterargument is “I don’t care”

I provide evidence that goes against your claim, and your best response is “idc”

You are better than this and I think it’s much more likely you are crumbling under heavy scrutiny because you can’t back up your reads because they aren’t real.

I can humor your thought process

but I proved your anecdotal evidence wrong with an anecdote of my own, neutralizing it

and your response is “I don’t care”

step the heck up and provide solid, concrete evidence to your reads or I will have no choice but to think that they are not real at all.

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i need to shower now

why can my PoE not use logic

I feel boxed in by the sheer foolishness of these people

Im not saying its unfakeable

it is fakeable

faking town line of thinking is just a thing

what I am saying, or at least trying, is that that specific thought I can mind meld with(not unfakeable!) and I think its more likely from town

I dont care that you were able to bring up that

I dont!

Im not going to try to argue whether you think I was putting in enough effort because its more insulting then anything

im done for the night

ok well I’m still going to prove your point wrong so you get a better one or gtfo

Why you are wrong

I say that I think 3 people are wolfy. In a game of 4. Saying that I think people are super wolfy isn’t wolf AI for me.

Ever heard of

Evolution Mafia?

The game where I very confidently wolfread 3 people
I was only 1/3 but I was still confident and found them very wolfy



I get why you think that but you are wrong and i’ve proven you wrong so i’d like to see a point that isn’t an anectodal point that has been proven wrong via countering anectdotal evidence.

You might not care but everyone will see right through your point so i’d suggest getting a better one or getting out.

Addressing this

You might think it’s mean but your reads are weakly backed up.

I’m going to analyse your readslist, for example. I’ll see where logic checks out or strong analysis is done, and where it doesn’t

TBE readlist analysis

Top townread right here.

No analysis of what about kyo’s posting compared to meta actually makes him townie. “Making reads and trying to get things done” isn’t enough. I don’t think that’s an accurate meta analysis and it has no games or quotes to back it up. He made an earlier case on napoleon and i cba to pull it up so it gets a pass but it’s not off to a good start as far as presenting evidence in reads go

this perspective read is fine, it gets the marshal seal of approval

this is not fine “orange feels natural” is just lazy and “they feel like interact with slots based on their read on them” doesn’t say if and how that’s AI of them and seems like IIoA

I already addressed that this says literally nothing at all and is pure IIoA and possibly TMI’ing the nightkill.

I think “lotsa filler” isn’t a good case and it doesn’t explain if/how that’s AI. Again just IIoA. There’s no A in these. No analysis.

I liked his “I don’t think w!dat writes this” post at first but it doesn’t explain why w!dat wouldn’t want to address the case on them (“they weren’t a big wagon” isn’t a reason it’s just Information) Also doesn’t explain why dat’s case feels like it comes from town!dat who knows the case is wrong, and not w!dat who doesn’t want to be mislynched

There are a lot of assertions made but it’s not really explained… at all.

“A lot of his reads seem week”

Right back at ya buddy

You say things like this

I think alot of the reads didnt have the reasoning line up with the read

but provide no evidence

alot of his reads seem…weak? is the word

there is also no evidence to back this up

you provide this

pushing nappy because an RT wasnt good?

tling arete because they pushed on the basis they werent getting tunneled?

but I went into extensive detail on why i read both of these this way and why for those reasons. you never explain how they are “weak”.

You don’t explain how first sentance is AI in any way

the 2nd sentance is quite literally a preflip and you don’t provide evidence on why arete tunneling is AI

tl;dr: TBE’s reads, specifically the ones provided in the readlist he made, are either entirely IIoA, are an assumption with no evidence (eg. I think alot of the [my] reads didnt have the reasoning line up with the read), or are information and a conclusion, but with no evidence on how it is AI backing it up (eg. kyo has “actually making reads and trying to get things done”),

@TheBlueElixir I would like quotes/explinations for the following things

how are my reads weak

Please directly quote posts where I make a read but it showcases a disconnect from my reasons. This should be easy if it’s real

(on dat) why does the way he think of his case come from a town mindset?

why is this AI (meta would be appreciated)

why is this AI (meta would be appreciated)

how is kyo in his town meta

you might be thinking i’m asking a lot but i’m really just asking you to flesh out reads you’ve already made.

if you are unable to do it I will consider your reads fake and you to be lockscum

this is not a joke

I know you are capable of explaining your reads if you are town but I want you to actually… explain them. If you cannot, I only have 1 conclusion I can make.


Even if your reads have changed, I would like you to explain the things I have presented, and what you were thinking at the time.

Failure to do so = unironic locked wolf

you have one day

If you do not, I swear to God, that every single paper vote sheet in this town is going to have the your name on it. Your name. You have one day.”
Kat: One day for what?
Marshal: That’s… they always give an ultimatum.
Kat: OK.
Marshal: Good, cut?
Kat: Cut. That was your best apology video ever.
Michael: Thought so too.

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You’re ignoring the aspect of your post throwing shade. The reason it irks me is because you are throwing shade on a slot that wasn’t even pushing to lynch Jane for Jane flipping town, while being on another wagon entirely that was basically a vanity wagon. I jumped on Leafia’s case for “if X is town then Y is scum” and I will jump on your case as well.

then explain it to me in babi terms

I am town and your entire case against nappy is just assuming Nappy had TMI and this is ignoring the whole Ami side of the equation

This irks me and feels like you are trying to mock me, which I really don’t appreciate. I might not know every single term used here down to a science, but I can read.

I don’t have a way with words, but I will try. Arete accuses Nappy on the shaky grounds of assuming he has TMI. This comes right after Nappy SRs Arete and votes that slot. The nappy slot also was very towny when you got down to it. I also would like to think that if you have a wolf read you vote it up, unless there is a vig/prince or something that can kill your scum read, but Arete goes on voting your slot in a massive vanity wagon. I am thinking I probably misused the word OMGUS, but my case isn’t bad here. I really do wish that I could explain my case better, but that’s what I am trying to improve on.

Goodnight folks

My partner asked me to point out the fact that aretes push on marshal slot for not tunneling them then then moving to a hard TR is W/W indicative

fishing trip today with my troop

but you’ll get your answers when I can get them, probably in the latter half of the day