[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

Squid: earrape max is scum and a bunch of shit you can’t even hear bc it’s too loud
Sam: Wtf
Me: shut up you’re loud and scummy

Prove it with quotes

Wait what Vc? You can’t talk outside of this.


Poisoned and Wham just admitted to out of thread communication.

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That information is non-public and could’ve included other affairs like screenshotting a classcard or reading it word for word

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You can’t say that but then just spam i’m scum

I literally cannot deal with your salty bullshit right now


and Maxi

Wait really? :eyes:

Max: “Squid’s scum not me! It’s fucking obvious!”
Me: Me screaming from Max’s bullshit
Whamm: heh

Squid’s being salty and i’m telling her to be quiet kek

cause she’s clearly scum

Squid why did you think it was a good idea to do that.

These quotes admit it.

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Sure seems like it.

Are they getting modkilled now?
And why were you talking outside of the thread.

You’re not going to do anything about it?

i’m talking to orange about it
everyone can chill their tits lel

I feel dead inside because of this game… makes me realize how stupid and worthless I am… sorry

Wew, calm it down a notch. It’s a game, supposed to be fun.


When some people insult you… it’s not even fun anymore

Ad hominem is just conceding the argument.