[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

I think you are reaching on that one, not gonna lie.

What would you say if that post came from me? Would you still scumread the post? Because honestly, that would 100% be something i would say if I ended up noticing that. That comment is innocent and not AI, in my opinion. Don’t look for reads where there aren’t ones. it’s okay to have a lot of nullreads early.

I can easily see anyone doing it. There is a slight chance there’s scum motivation behind that post, but you can say that about anything.

Also lol.

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I didn’t get much sleep last night, okay? :^)

Okay, I’m sure Vul already spewed his thoughts on this and my mind right now, but I don’t really understand some of it when it comes to this one post. Yes, they asked a lot of questions, but how is that AI when it’s the first post? The one thing I don’t like about this post though is the question “Are you just going to keep your mouth shut for the rest of the day?” It’s a reaction test, of course he’s not going to keep his mouth shut. If he did keep his mouth shut, then that’d look like less of a reactiontest and be a waste of his posts left

I can somewhat understand diquieted’s last paragraph.

Most of my reaction tests aren’t… great. And scum reaction tests are a thing(look at how i got derps to slip a claim in LOTRFM) so i can understand the concern.

however, taking a wider stance, this does seem a little hedgey from disq. Pushing on both me and jgoes could very well come from scum.

I’m null on them right now, as one can only glean so much from an opener.

That whole interaction if you want to see a scum reactiontest.(also funnily enough the person who derps greenchecked ended up being mafia godfather but still)

also i am proud of this so…

I kinda had forgot about godfathers

I posted once! Twice if you include this!

I’ll probably make a full reads post once me and FK can have some discourse together, but I don’t believe they’re home atm. Which is probably why they’re quiet :stuck_out_tongue:


everybody missed my post :frowning:


Jgoes i saw you typing get back here and stop lurking :eyes:

Sigh, I really don’t have time and energy for all of this.

N0 - MaximusPrime

On a reread, I think not being aware of game mechanics might actually be lightly village indicative, since scum is normally super aware of things of mechanical nature and would be unlikely to bring attention to themselves like that in the very first post.

In their reads post, which I think is mediocre by itself, I found to be interesting their lack of knowledge of what hydra is, and I’d be actually surprised if none of hydras present in the game are scum?

The proportion of subtle derping to the amount of posts I think indicates Shurian to be likely just a villager here actually, and I don’t actually feel the purposeful intent in doing those things.

also @Jane Please produce content we know you exist.

Jgoesgaming, while I didn’t like his push on Marshal either, I think may be town for almost angleshooty reasons, actually.

Does he really fake this entire scenario as scum? As I’d assume all players would be in a one scum chat together.

Tbh I think I might be able to read Chemist better than Jgoes, as I have experience playing with him, and Chemist usually underwhelms very severely as scum, while being able to post unfrequent, but villagery insights from time to time as town.

he might not be faking it, that is a NAI statement.

I think he has the capacity to fake that but you do bring up a good point.

However i am not gonna clear based on townslips, seeing how that has bitten many people before.

Marshal’s test on Jgoes was decently villagery not by the fact of it existing, but because he actually showed the intention to dig deeper and look into his meta even after not being satisfied with Jgoes’ reaction to it.

I’m not going to do that completely either, and I want to see stuff from Mist actually (aka Chemist), which reminds me that I can’t even find his I think only post in a convenient manner now.

You also played with me several times, I’m Underking on MU.

Luxy's post

Indeed, I was posting from phone while still lying on the bed, so I sure as hell didn’t have time or will to do anything significant at the time. I won’t even deny the claim that my posts were reactionary.
As for Kai’s post, It didn’t occur to me at the moment that PR could refer to post restrictions as well. I didn’t comprehend his post in full. You can blame me being still sleepy if you want.
I got frustrated because it looked to me like people were already starting to talk about their roles.
If I were scum and had an intent to shade Kai or anything, I’d have chosen a reason that would at least hold water on surface level, and implying that I “misinterpreted” the abbreviation of PR on purpose is just silly.

That said, disregarding the actual content Luxy posted (which I find mostly reasonable enough), there is one villagery indicator that they made in that post, which I have a reason not to explain for now.
So Luxy & Geyde are a mild village lean.

This post from disquieted I don’t like actually, since for starters, I think it was done in a somewhat weird spot to make only 1 post and make it focused on only 1 aspect of what was happening in the thread, and then not doing anyting after that. Sure, I can understand restrictions, but I think several other people strived to widen their focus when faced with that instead.

Pretty interesting that they shade Jgoes for the reason I actually find the most townie in their posting.

And while this post seems well written and reasonable, it kinda gives me a vibe of a performance made, while simultaneously kinda shading Marshal and Jgoes at the same time. It wouldn’t be as bad if there was a followup and a conclusion to this.

I’ll do the meta-read on Marshal tomorrow, for now I’ll read other people.

Simon - Townlean: Mostly mechanical fluff, except for encouraging people to post more, despite the PR’s so we can make better reads.

I’d prefer if he didn’t try to solve this mechanically, or at least give some reads, since I’m not going to clear anyone based on one post.

This seems weird (that doesn’t necessarily mean scummy, btw). If someone wasn’t using their posts sparingly, I would assume they either have a high PR or none at all, not they they don’t know they have one.

I’m not currently scumreading either of them, but if one of them flips scum later in the game, this might be worth coming back on.

Why, because he asked you who think he’s voting? That seems like a weird reason.

Derps is currently a scumlean for me.

I’ll do the rest tomorrow, since I don’t have a lot of time today, and there will probably be more content by then.

Sidenote: why are assuming the anti-claim mechanic is a claimvig? It wasn’t in LT, why would it be a claimvig here?

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Does Simon focus more on mechanics as Town?
Does he tend to stray away from mechanics as Scum?

Mechanics talk isn’t really a townie thing unless certain things say otherwise, but can you explain your read on him a bit more?

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I was writing about katze, but tbh I think I’d started wanting to not like his post. I will just wait for the promised discourse with FK.

Mercenary seems pretty different from what little of her scum game I’ve seen at least, and I don’t get the vibe that she acts upon an agenda in this game. What impression I’ve got of them as a scum player is that they kinda throw shade everywhere they can when they can for convoluted reasons, and I don’t see it here.

I feel like some post restrictions are completely brutal considering how some people approach this game, I am at least used to what I have from light games on MU, I’m probably even overdoing it in condensing text.


Im honestly worried.

Preistess has been typing for a while now

Also i don’t really get much from jgoes’s most recent ISO, so imma just try to read other peeps.