[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Actually, the only person I see townreading Jgoes (At least to my knowledge) is Priestess

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I really donā€™t like Marshalā€™s tone here, It feels insanely off to me

@Vulgard Donā€™t give up on improving, this setup is exactly for that. :smiley_cat:
lmao the forum gave me smiley cat

@anon97870008 Why do you townread Jgoes? Thatā€™s a pretty unique viewpoint here, I would like to hear about it.

Yep. Chaos forces quick reactions and is the opposite of apathy (when one team stops caring about the game, easierly seen with Town as the main thread becomes completely silent).

How do it feels off?

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how so?

i want reasons, quotes, anything besides "I dont like ___ because ___, unless that is all that can be said.

Im gonna be honest. no one really cares who scumreads who until we get some flips. but reasons make people evaluate reads, and maybe if you look more into it you reebauate your4 own read.

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also semi-mindmeld with merc even though they posted the kai thing before i posted mine i had already written it out

congrats you just demostrated my point

Oh wow look i can say cryptic shit and shade look at me.

This feels like a LOTRFM/LT Marshal rather than his other town games to me


anyone can say aanything about anyone.

ā€œI dislike arete because metaā€(not really, just an example)

You get nothing from that.

suck my dick :slight_smile:

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I honestly donā€™t think it was a hard mindmeld to make. They just posted your tone felt off and left it at that. :woman_shrugging: Now Iā€™m on my computer I want the SWEET INTERACTIONS.

Kai, how did LOTR/LT (whatā€™s LT lol) Marshal behaved in opposition to this game, and how do ā€œtownā€ Marshal usually behaves?

Alright, he is not colaborating.

my role benefits me to play close to the chest, as such Iā€™m going to pop in and say more 1+2 liners about what I think

The lower I post for my role the better

Kai, do I need to send you to the slammer for not being cooperative whatsoever?


I am confident and agressive as either alignemnt.

Usually more confident as scum, which kai might be getting at, but I want to make changes to my playstyle and i am not gonna let things sizzle out and sheep someone who i donā€™t scumread as much(look at my pushes on soulshade and luxy in sfol00)

Also this is weird as fuck. If you mean your role is preventing you from ISO-ing, then thatā€™s stupid. Otherwise, no excuses.

Alright, I exist.

Before I get into reads and such, I want to clarify that Disquieted and I are in fact a hydra, since Iā€™ve seen a couple people trying to read us as two separate slots? Anyways, weā€™re not two slots, weā€™re one slot.

As for reads:

Thinking Astand is very likely V here; his posts have felt very solvey and the thought process feels natural to me whereas W!Astand usually has a hard time producing content or interacting with the thread. Heā€™s probably my strongest townread at the moment.

Luxy/Geyde are basically null for me right now (sidenote: this is such a hecking stacked hydra). I like the 1 post Luxy has made but Iā€™m having a hard time trying to e.g. analyze his progression because, well, itā€™s one post, and theyā€™re both strong enough players that Iā€™m not going to put them in my townpile for a single good post.

Simon: you all who are scumreading Simon for focusing on mechanics here are pretty much ignoring his meta, mechanical talk is NAI for him. Aside from that, heā€™s a slight townlean at the moment based on his attempts to actually generate content (see: interactions with PKR).

Townreading Shurian for a couple reasons ā€“ one is the snap-vote at the start of the thread followed by an immediate warning to not do that, I think mafia would either realize you canā€™t vote in-thread and refrain from doing it, or if they did make that mistake they wouldnā€™t immediately warn people not to because if you warn people thereā€™s no chance of them doing it again. The other, more significant reason is his wallpost; heā€™s taking a lot of stances and drawing a lot of conclusions in the post, which is a huge contrast to his scumgames which are basically non-stop hedging.

Datbird: Null.

Priestess/PKR is a townlean for the moment, Iā€™m liking Priestessā€™s spicy anti-consensus read on the Marshal reactiontest; it feels town-motivated because as scum she ā€¦ itā€™s complicated but she doesnā€™t like to call attention to herself in this specific way.

Marshal: Stop clearing him for doing reactiontests, as one of his LotR teammates I can confirm that he does them all the time, either to elicit reactions that help scum (as in the Derps case) or as fake reactiontests for towncred (thereā€™s an example of this on D3, where he ā€œreactiontestsā€ me and uses it as an excuse to townread me). Iā€™m getting weird gut feelings from how he keeps deferring to direct quotes from Kloppsā€™s guide whenever people criticize his reads; heā€™s a slight scumlean for now.

Vulgard/Squid: This slot is one of my strongest townreads at the moment, mostly on the basis of Vulā€™s half; Iā€™m not seeing LotR Vul at all here and his readwall just screams town!Vul to me.

Katze/Litten is a null.

Derps is a townlean mostly for meta reasons, but to be honest the whole ā€˜Iā€™m ignoring my postcapā€™ thing gives me towny vibes for reasons I canā€™t really articulate.

Maxwell is a null.

Jake/Alice is a null.

Merc is a slight scumlean at the moment, the whole neut hunting thing with Jgoes is weird.

This post kind of seems to be TMIing Marshal as scum as well. She barely interacts with nor attempts to read Marshal and then concludes from his reactiontest that scum know that post restrictions are a thing, when she doesnā€™t even express the conclusion that heā€™s scum at any point.

Jgoes/Chemist: Townlean on this slot, actually. I like his conviction and Iā€™m basically inclined to read him as a L1 player, meaning his conviction is likely to be town-AI. The reasons for scumreading him seem to more or less be that he pushed on Marshal for his reaction test but the person who started that narrative is Marshal and Jgoesā€™s thought process here feels natural to me.

Maxi: Null, unless Astand turns out to not be FPSing.

Nerbins: Null.

Iā€™m going to pull a Geyde here and do a threadread on the Jgoes/Marshal thing; the way the entire thread has been warping around it feels super unnatural given the triviality of the interaction and based on that unnaturalness Iā€™m thinking thereā€™s at least one scum involved in the continuing discussion of it.

WAIT one secondā€¦ Marshal is pushing on Jake the whole game already?? Whyā€¦ I mean, a few times I would have understood it from a towny pov, but the whole game? I like Jgoes argumentation here really, and I hate Marshal for shading him without any reason.

Jgoes feels here extremely pure. Maybe just for me :woman_shrugging:

Uhhh what happened in SFoL 53 again? @Marshal elaborate please. I was like ā€¦ too angry to really watch the game.

I asked him to stop lurking and post reads once and then did it again just now.

You really want the narrative of meanie marshal pushes good boy jake because marshal bad.

did a lot of shit in that match. iā€™d ask jgoes what he meant here.

I gaveā€¦ Tons of reasons and i can re-quote them if you want. again this just feels like lying. Stop whiteknighting/defending your scumbuddy.

fuck i did not see that :^)

bruh what he actually knew it was a reaction test? didnā€™t see that too ok gonna have to reread then

ok Pog read but like can you explain why you find me town or is this a p o c k e t i n g a t t e m p t :thinking:

please at least try and not go over it bc the only way we win is thru lynch since itā€™s basically our factional kill so if you can, try to compress your posts into one big post or just keep your thoughts on notepad or google docs and post them here later when you think itā€™ll be helpful/relevant

dear god can we please not have more ppl break the pr if possible :pray:

interesting, is this nerbinā€™s first post? honestly nerbins not reading thru stuff fully is nai bc im used to it also thatā€™s me but letā€™s ignore that :^) and i dont think him being scared of claim vig is ai. dunno what to think about him being scared of outing his exact pr number tho? tone is a bit apologetic and could just be bc heā€™s super cautious and doesnā€™t want to be scumread, but iā€™d have to see more from him
tinfoil: if nerbins is scum, then do scum or some scum not have prs bc it kinda seemed like he didnā€™t know of it if simon is right?

think youā€™re reading too deep into it bc itā€™s literally just a funny coincidence :thinking:

@disquieted xD

@poisonedsquid try to take it easy, this is supposed to be a learning/improving experience and there isnā€™t any pressure yet bc day just started a while ago?

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ā€¦Shoot, just noticed I skipped Kai. Townlean on Kai for his general confidence and casual-ness.

Given how well the ā€˜make a towncore, donā€™t put town in the towncore, lynch outside the towncoreā€™ strategy worked in the Mountainous game, Iā€™m inclined to try it again; current personal towncore is Vul and Astand with a few other candidates I see as likely to be added depending on how their thoughts progress here.

Also, my internet is cutting in and out, if I doublepost or something thatā€™s why.

Iā€™m going to spend 2 of my precious posts here not too long after the other.
Soā€¦ there we go.

Iā€™m catching up now and will write a huge wallpost, probably include reads too.
Sorry I havenā€™t been ā€œactively discussingā€ but again as Priestess knows Iā€™ve got a terrible post restriction and so Iā€™m trying to save posts for good times such as EoD.

@anon97870008 youā€™re only being harsh towards me because you know that Iā€™m stuck with you. Please be nice <3 Alright anyway, time to read up and do a huge wallpost. This is gonna be hell for me.

If anyone has questions to ask me do it before I post so I donā€™t have to waste another one.

3/20 now (I think. Will check and post correct count along with my wall)