[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Kai, do I need to send you to the slammer for not being cooperative whatsoever?


I am confident and agressive as either alignemnt.

Usually more confident as scum, which kai might be getting at, but I want to make changes to my playstyle and i am not gonna let things sizzle out and sheep someone who i don’t scumread as much(look at my pushes on soulshade and luxy in sfol00)

Also this is weird as fuck. If you mean your role is preventing you from ISO-ing, then that’s stupid. Otherwise, no excuses.

Alright, I exist.

Before I get into reads and such, I want to clarify that Disquieted and I are in fact a hydra, since I’ve seen a couple people trying to read us as two separate slots? Anyways, we’re not two slots, we’re one slot.

As for reads:

Thinking Astand is very likely V here; his posts have felt very solvey and the thought process feels natural to me whereas W!Astand usually has a hard time producing content or interacting with the thread. He’s probably my strongest townread at the moment.

Luxy/Geyde are basically null for me right now (sidenote: this is such a hecking stacked hydra). I like the 1 post Luxy has made but I’m having a hard time trying to e.g. analyze his progression because, well, it’s one post, and they’re both strong enough players that I’m not going to put them in my townpile for a single good post.

Simon: you all who are scumreading Simon for focusing on mechanics here are pretty much ignoring his meta, mechanical talk is NAI for him. Aside from that, he’s a slight townlean at the moment based on his attempts to actually generate content (see: interactions with PKR).

Townreading Shurian for a couple reasons – one is the snap-vote at the start of the thread followed by an immediate warning to not do that, I think mafia would either realize you can’t vote in-thread and refrain from doing it, or if they did make that mistake they wouldn’t immediately warn people not to because if you warn people there’s no chance of them doing it again. The other, more significant reason is his wallpost; he’s taking a lot of stances and drawing a lot of conclusions in the post, which is a huge contrast to his scumgames which are basically non-stop hedging.

Datbird: Null.

Priestess/PKR is a townlean for the moment, I’m liking Priestess’s spicy anti-consensus read on the Marshal reactiontest; it feels town-motivated because as scum she … it’s complicated but she doesn’t like to call attention to herself in this specific way.

Marshal: Stop clearing him for doing reactiontests, as one of his LotR teammates I can confirm that he does them all the time, either to elicit reactions that help scum (as in the Derps case) or as fake reactiontests for towncred (there’s an example of this on D3, where he “reactiontests” me and uses it as an excuse to townread me). I’m getting weird gut feelings from how he keeps deferring to direct quotes from Klopps’s guide whenever people criticize his reads; he’s a slight scumlean for now.

Vulgard/Squid: This slot is one of my strongest townreads at the moment, mostly on the basis of Vul’s half; I’m not seeing LotR Vul at all here and his readwall just screams town!Vul to me.

Katze/Litten is a null.

Derps is a townlean mostly for meta reasons, but to be honest the whole ‘I’m ignoring my postcap’ thing gives me towny vibes for reasons I can’t really articulate.

Maxwell is a null.

Jake/Alice is a null.

Merc is a slight scumlean at the moment, the whole neut hunting thing with Jgoes is weird.

This post kind of seems to be TMIing Marshal as scum as well. She barely interacts with nor attempts to read Marshal and then concludes from his reactiontest that scum know that post restrictions are a thing, when she doesn’t even express the conclusion that he’s scum at any point.

Jgoes/Chemist: Townlean on this slot, actually. I like his conviction and I’m basically inclined to read him as a L1 player, meaning his conviction is likely to be town-AI. The reasons for scumreading him seem to more or less be that he pushed on Marshal for his reaction test but the person who started that narrative is Marshal and Jgoes’s thought process here feels natural to me.

Maxi: Null, unless Astand turns out to not be FPSing.

Nerbins: Null.

I’m going to pull a Geyde here and do a threadread on the Jgoes/Marshal thing; the way the entire thread has been warping around it feels super unnatural given the triviality of the interaction and based on that unnaturalness I’m thinking there’s at least one scum involved in the continuing discussion of it.

WAIT one second… Marshal is pushing on Jake the whole game already?? Why… I mean, a few times I would have understood it from a towny pov, but the whole game? I like Jgoes argumentation here really, and I hate Marshal for shading him without any reason.

Jgoes feels here extremely pure. Maybe just for me :woman_shrugging:

Uhhh what happened in SFoL 53 again? @Marshal elaborate please. I was like … too angry to really watch the game.

I asked him to stop lurking and post reads once and then did it again just now.

You really want the narrative of meanie marshal pushes good boy jake because marshal bad.

did a lot of shit in that match. i’d ask jgoes what he meant here.

I gave… Tons of reasons and i can re-quote them if you want. again this just feels like lying. Stop whiteknighting/defending your scumbuddy.

fuck i did not see that :^)

bruh what he actually knew it was a reaction test? didn’t see that too ok gonna have to reread then

ok Pog read but like can you explain why you find me town or is this a p o c k e t i n g a t t e m p t :thinking:

please at least try and not go over it bc the only way we win is thru lynch since it’s basically our factional kill so if you can, try to compress your posts into one big post or just keep your thoughts on notepad or google docs and post them here later when you think it’ll be helpful/relevant

dear god can we please not have more ppl break the pr if possible :pray:

interesting, is this nerbin’s first post? honestly nerbins not reading thru stuff fully is nai bc im used to it also that’s me but let’s ignore that :^) and i dont think him being scared of claim vig is ai. dunno what to think about him being scared of outing his exact pr number tho? tone is a bit apologetic and could just be bc he’s super cautious and doesn’t want to be scumread, but i’d have to see more from him
tinfoil: if nerbins is scum, then do scum or some scum not have prs bc it kinda seemed like he didn’t know of it if simon is right?

think you’re reading too deep into it bc it’s literally just a funny coincidence :thinking:

@disquieted xD

@poisonedsquid try to take it easy, this is supposed to be a learning/improving experience and there isn’t any pressure yet bc day just started a while ago?

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…Shoot, just noticed I skipped Kai. Townlean on Kai for his general confidence and casual-ness.

Given how well the ‘make a towncore, don’t put town in the towncore, lynch outside the towncore’ strategy worked in the Mountainous game, I’m inclined to try it again; current personal towncore is Vul and Astand with a few other candidates I see as likely to be added depending on how their thoughts progress here.

Also, my internet is cutting in and out, if I doublepost or something that’s why.

I’m going to spend 2 of my precious posts here not too long after the other.
So… there we go.

I’m catching up now and will write a huge wallpost, probably include reads too.
Sorry I haven’t been “actively discussing” but again as Priestess knows I’ve got a terrible post restriction and so I’m trying to save posts for good times such as EoD.

@anon97870008 you’re only being harsh towards me because you know that I’m stuck with you. Please be nice <3 Alright anyway, time to read up and do a huge wallpost. This is gonna be hell for me.

If anyone has questions to ask me do it before I post so I don’t have to waste another one.

3/20 now (I think. Will check and post correct count along with my wall)


Yes i already refuted this point for townreading me because it wasn’t a good one. I literally brought up the points on why doing that was bad.

The times i have done this:

Me, using it to explain why jgoes fits the lvl 2 wolf better than lvl 1 townie…
Me, explaining my agressiveness
(there might have been another time i can’t really remember.

also fun being scumread #1 day 1 again.

This just… happens no matter my alignment.

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I don’t think Eevee would design a role that encourages slanking. To make it clear I already think the PRs were not randed and that they are designed for each player.
Our post restrictions just try to have us write more informative posts, but that… Unless he planned to get Kai to wallpost somehow.

Giving you a chance then. Having people target you because you are being productive is harsh.

@Arete Since you are the first person I see to strongly V Astand, what do you think about his opening posts?
Yeah, I also agree that Shurian townslipped here. And with him everyone who tried to vote like Max as well, although Max gains more credit since he posted later and scum would have way more time to warn him about that.

How do it screams town!Vul to you?

What is Derp’s meta?

Marshal claimed to break the unanimous post restriction everyone have at first and then revealed that he did not have one, which broke me on why would he know everyone (or town, idk) has a post restriction when he did not have the post restriction passive. For him to gain that knowledge, it would need to come from elsewhere.
I didn’t actually read the thread to see if no one mentioned post restrictions first, I just was there and didn’t remember anyone specifically talking about postcaps, that’s why I didn’t write full blooded that Marshal was mafia — I had to ISO the thread first before concluding that.
But Marshal quoted me where people talked about caps first, which made me retract my read on him as it was based on sand. I have read Marshal earlier as well in a post iirc, if I did not it was because I was at school at the time and tried to write fast asap in the interval (also why I didn’t ISO him before making the post), so I understand if the comment seems poorly explained.

Here it would be better if Marshal + Jgoes answered the discperson (forgot the nickname sorry) question. What did @Marshal wanted to achieve with the reaction test and how would it be scum-indicative? Reactiontesting for the sake of reactiontesting is the thing holding me back on his apparently consensus townieness here, since reaction tests are NAI for him anyway.

Arete made a good point on him being L1 town. I can see that in the context, he kept bitting a hollow bone. But isn’t Jgoes L2?

Which strategy?

thought you were consensus townie lol
Maybe that’s my bias because my gut on you is town but my logicz tell me to wait more until I read you

stop posting fast when I’m making a wallpost ffs

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here’s the answer to your queston merc.

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I did too at first :frowning:

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multiple ppl have already outed it

tone is a bit overly aggressive here and while i don’t know nerbin’s meta due to not having played any games with him for a long while (i think), i’m not liking it because it feels like he’s trying to make simon look bad here

personally, i think it’d make more sense if it was him trying to be extra cautious to not be scumread because i think this is his first game or so since he rejoined the community (?) but i do agree that calling it out in that way was odd bc of how it was phrased - keeping himself safe with that but not really helping anyone else if it’s the case bc town would want to spread that info if they genuinely thought it was the case

perhaps, but i don’t think it’s necessarily ai if it was his second post tbh
would like it if @nerbins posted more (but not going over the pr limit) thx

what is this supposed to mean

pretty sure you’ve played with disquieted before so how do they perform as scum and town? what’s their skill level/what types of posts do they normally make?


honestly just rolled with it bc everyone else was and claiming for no reason is ehh
there still could be tho so /shrug

I honestly think rn that it all ends in pizza if Jgoes is L1
I really thought he was L2, though, and based my reads on that. It has been some time I don’t play on this site and my first game with him is the JOAT9 one.


Thank you.

Let me make one of those scale reads because they are cool.






Yep, I’m mostly townhunting than scumhunting that game. I’ll refuse to move Kai until he stops hiding behind his meta to make people townread him on telling people to fuck off and starts playing properly.

why so low…

They have like 3 combined posts.

Scratch that, one post

Thread has no spice.

Arete bad. Only appealing to players with their wallposts, not solving.
Mercenary bad. Pushing the agenda that Marshal/Jgoes must exist and that we must lynch in them.

A way too great part of that was made on my bored highschooler mind and due to the post restriction it is exhausting to explain everything, so if you want the reasoning behind something in particular just ask me.
If I forgot someone it is because I didn’t put the effort to read them yet lol.

Anyway I think we guys are relying too much on meta in a game made for people to try to do better than their usual metas (if they are self-hurting ones, specially, like the people really easily scumread like last year Hja when they roll scum). Exception here for the NAI ones like Simon mechanics solving and Priestess jumping in front of newbies.

Yep, I agree it looks like Nerbins is shadethrowing.

Most people on that giantblock are the nullreads one which I didn’t actually nullread but didn’t read their posts to a relevant stand.
I’m foccusing on townhunting here rather than wolfhunting. Currently Maxi/Shurian are my towncore and I have to update myself on Astand before deciding if he is just townie or towncored as well.

welcome to the club, brother

bruh long ass readslists time to skip all the way down to me -_-

ok, so why are you biased? am i null bc you just don’t know what to think or is there something you like/dislike

so that’s what u meant
another pocketing attempt? :thinking:

this is where i gotta end this postr, ping me if u need me to read a post when i get back

I disagree here. Arete was one of the rare players who townread Jgoes and it was the first scumread on me I have seen.

Uh, no? I have retracted this rn because I overstimated Jgoes.