[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Correct. But if reads are greater than mechanics, do you trust the merit of a D2 red check so much more than your own reads? If so, I don’t really know what to tell you.

I’ve been doing some of that, and I’m currently working on my end of (irl) day post. That’ll be the accumulation of my (and maybe FKs) gamesolving through the day.

Don’t think that every non-fluff post I’ve done post red check has been for naught.

When did you start to pick on me as well and why.

Why would you think you were redirected? If it’s anywhere close to revealing your role, don’t talk about it. Try to give me like… basic general reasons without going in too deep, for scum may have an anticlaim vig.

I’m back

Scum comeback post reeeeee

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That’s it I have had enough of your bullshit Merc, its time to die.

Scum often feel the need to start strong with an early townread, and lo and behold she townreads Marshal for such a bad reason such as softing. Then we get IIoA about what classes eevee made and post limits. Very good opener Merc /s

Shadethrow on Jake, these two may not be scum together.

Perspective slip that the anti-claim mechanic is a claim vig.

Then backtracks her townread on Marshal just two posts later and shadethrws Jgoes. Then she makes her pre-flip association from which we now know would flip two town. Merc is already setting up chain mislynches using her TMI, just like in JOAT9.

Defends the tiniest little bit of evidence I had that disquieted may be scum but then proceeds to null them. Why are you defending a null read unless you know they are town?

This feels… weird. It’s like a perspective slip. She knows mafia knows everyone as a Post limit, but shadethrows Marshal for it. I don’t think this is the strongest evidence against her but I’m putting it in so she can’t accuse me of ‘cherrypicking.’

Useless post is useless.

Backflips on Marshal and then worldbuilds around Jgoes not being town indicating agendapushing (as pointed out earlier).

Asking questions, not doing anything herself and then restating Marshal’s point to appear useful.

This post is fine. Scumreads Kai for not contributing which is a relatively easy scumread to make as scum.

More mechanics talk

Constantly flip-flopping on Marshal with little progression.

Asking questions not actually contributing themselves.

First readwall that just happens to miss Priestess. Additionally, for someone who claims they are townhunting, they’re doing everything they can to stop townclears.

Starts shading Nerbins with no more reason than I agree. At least Maxi gave reasoning.

Except you didn’t, you flip-flopped on Marshal and then agreed with Priestess on Jgoes.

Wall where somehow Priestess is at the same level we are without progression as we mentioned earlier.

People who always try and discredit early reads always seem to flip scum hmm.

This is meh.

Hedges on Marshal and then rescinds the townread on him again.

Marshal is now her top scumread for ‘OMGUSING.’ Somehow PKRiestess is the same townread level as us despite almost no interaction with them from Merc.

Here’s the big 'ol chainsaw

And then the hedge on our slot despite the townread. As I said before their thought process is inconsistent with their reads, indicating that they are making the conclusions, and then finding reasoning for them.

Good post from Merc, she picked up on Priestess’ horrendous scumpost.

Then is very quick to rescind her TR on Arete.

Finally makes a conclusion on us to justify their earlier townread, What was the point of all the shade on us? Also shadethrowing astand.

Then despite agreeing with us on Arete, Arete is still at the same level of townread in her list. Only decent thing is sh moved Priestess down, and even that is without progression. Very little of her posts are replies to PKRiestess.

Here she then defends her nullread, PKRiestess. Why are you defending nullreads its their job to make themselves townread. Also notice how it was the weakest point of the read she decided to attack?

Shadethrow on Marshal and PKRiestess. Not really AI.

No you didn’t you scumread them, then nullread them, then townread them, then nullread them and consistently flip flopped on them.


here Merc demonstrates progression on Nerbins but never actually votes them indicating it was an elaborate shade on a now cleared town member. Next post of hers demonstrates progression on nerbins as well, so I don’t need to quote it (just jump to it if you want to see it).

Now today she refuses to actually analyse possibly one of the juciest spews on this site and maintains a rigid mindset.

Questions people on their votes rather than drawing conclusions from VCA like we did.

IIoA but this is NAI.

Bunch of IIoA, tries to stop townclears.

Refusing to interact and discredits Kai.

Asking questions instead of doing anything herself.

Hedge and shadethrow on Alice.

Refuses to interact with the EoD1 despite Geyde’s pressure. Reads basically mirror ours in terms of VCA though so thats fine.

Townreads Nerbins finally.

And then two posts later worldbuilds again and backtracks on her Nerbins TR. For someone who claims shes doing townhunting this game shes doing everything she can to stop townclears.

Fine read… I guess. Simon was already cleared from VCA though.

Because the wagon had support in thread and one scum was already on it.

Shadethrowing and useless post.

Hedges and shadethrows on us, whilst also attempting to stop our town clear.

Then her readlist contradicts what she just said as we’re her no.4 top townread. This indicates she townreads us pretty stronly but she says ‘they aren’t scumlean’ which would suggest we’re almost null.

Reeval on DatBird is ok, but not the best. Seems like the conclusion was reached before the evidence was found but I can’t prove this. (Vulgard picked up on this too).

Two quite obvious townies at the bottom of her list. Nulls Katze even though she was townreading them yesterday.

Here’s the perspectiveslip and agendery PoE with a bunch of townies in it.

Descriditing Marshal.

And then she scumreads Marshal despite him being cleared by Priestess’ flip.

Scumreading people based on wallposts? Like what?

If you read the key, red is the people we think are scum. Not to mention PKR most likely rule of three’d in his top 3 townreads which means its probably you as the scum, since they cleared Arete. It wasn’t false, as I pointed out all the shading you have done today. Why are you pinging poepple to defend you instead of defending yourself?

If you read the post PKR rule of three’d you and Priestess townread you hard with little reasoning. But you didn’t want to the read the post because it suspected you right?

No I am not. I’m saying your tone is the exact same as what Priestess was doing and what she was doing was a caught scum joking tone ‘oh youre scumreading me thats impossible I can’t be scum.’ Nice misuse of a mafia scum article though.

As I said before it doesn’t matter if they are bad, its the fact you’re shutting down his opinion and attempting to remove him from the game.

Where did I make pre-flip associations? Want to quote that? Or are you just straightup lying?

That is not what I’m saying but nice strawman. If you were town you’d be thinking at least similarly to us and building on our points, rather than scumreading half our townreads for no reason than hurr durr they didn’t like my post.

PoE are at least 65% scum and this doesn’t change the fact that you perspective slipped that you put one of your scumbuds in the PoE. Probably Maxwell.

Simon was already cleared and your DatBird read was just meh.

Nice worldbuilding and accusing of cherrypicking lol. Anything else you can do besides shade?

Uh sure

Since when do either Prietess or Pkr have activity tells? You made this up didn’t you?

This is a cop out.

There was plenty of resistance to the PKRiestess wagon. Are we slightly town now? Are we scum? It seems to me you’re flip-flopping on us constantly as well.

Because it allows you to appear like you’re contributing whilst also shelving our slot.

No it doesn’t

This is just so bad. You call us fallcious when Disquieted said practically all of our points are valid. What fallacy are we employing? Or did you just make that up to discredit us? Then you proceed to worldbuild around Vulgard and I being scum makin a joint push on you. Pray tell why would we try to get you lynched this game when you haven’t been pushing anyone all game and if we were mafia you aren’t a threat. Then you try and discredit VCA which is actually a very potent scumreading technique just because it looks bad for you. And you conclude with a hedge on Vulgard, nice gamesolving you’re doing here.

Not to mention you literally contradict yourself in the same post. First you say we have confirmation bias, which indicates you think we are town, and then you say we aren’t good-aligned. The fact that you say we have conf!bias indicates you TMI us as town.

And now you somehow pull Kai and SDA out of the PoE with no progression and then put us in there, convenient.

The polarity between our reads indicates you’re pushing an agenda.

What fallacies?

There were no good things from you at all besides picking up an obvious scumpost from Priestess.

Stop copping out. You haven’t even said even one logical fallacy that we’ve been using and your reducing our reads to a strawman. You can’t defend yourself because you know we’re right.

Overall Mercenary is scum and I have gone through her Entire ISO once again to make sure she can’t accuse me of cherrypicking because thats all she can do to defend herself because what I’m saying because completely true judging by her reaction to it. She constantly reduces what we say in order to discredit stuff and is throwing around buzzwords like fallacious in order to make herself look better. Her ISO is entirely shade and stopping people from being towncleared while also pushing back on anyone who even has the audacity to scumread them, how dare they! Her behaviour has many similarities with that in JOAT9 including pre-flip association chain mislynches and shdaethrowing everyone.

Mercenary never flips town here.

@Kirefitten I want answers

@katze why do you continue to go about me cherrypicking on you and saying I must’ve seen your earlier post when I literally said I quoted those posts during the night?

Anyway, Firekitten should be lynched today if astand doesn’t withdraw his check, othersise Mercenary should be the lynch if he does. I’ve had enough of people lying and discrediting my reads this game, please hurry and and eat rope, both of you.

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What do you want me to do arete? Re-state all my previous reads that I have made involving people in this game? Make up entirely new reads on the people who’s opinion I haven’t had change of them?

I have been trying to solve this game, however I’m not going to go ahead and make up bullshit to fit the criteria of giving thoughts on every player in the game. Because if I said my thoughts, they would be the exact same thoughts I had posted in the thread beforeS

Seems insane tbh but I have come to an end of my to TWTBW or not to TWTBW dilemma on FK which I couldn’t put up properly in the paper as all evidence pointed towards one thing and my gut still told me that something was not right — and I only understood why my gut was ticking when I lost WiM on my case myself, it is something I empathized at a personal level.
FK’s fluff is exactly the same thing I do when I lose WiM as town: I start to fluff but I also give a little nudges here and there because even if I gave up on my case, I have already invested myself in the game enough to still pursue the wincon somehow. If anyone asks me I will still give my opinions and answers, I just lose the steem to do it naturally since they don’t seem to matter.
So I’m NAI since I’m self-aware of that but FK is, like, town.

Luxy I’m not reading that shit
I scrolled until I saw a quote of mines and after ten scrolls up I still couldn’t see where it started.

Drowning someone on wallposts is that effective. I’m pretty sure you could do the same on less words.

Given what’s been said in the thread, if our action went well there’s a surprising coincidence that has occurred. This is the most likely option, though.

If the action didn’t go as expected, another, more sinister question occurs, most of it centred around one particular player in the game for several reasons.

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I’m not reading that wall at 11:18 pm if you want answers you better make the questions easy to see lmfao

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Does not read wallpost
Looks at

This is giving me bad vibes.
Like “Fake News” Trump bad vibes. But I want to hear from Merc before giving my thoughts. Imma just go read the post cuz a lone wall post can’t hurt that bad, right?

The purpose of the post restriction is not to make everyone wallpost but it is for us to make more meaningful arguments in less space.

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I already did it in less words, but you accused me of cherry picking. Now you have to defend yourself without buzzwording so that’s unlucky. But nice shade once again.

Just the two posts I quoted from myself. 4 questions in there.

@Shurian if you were around EoD1 you’d understand why I’m like this

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Why would I care about my associations with a dead scum if I’m not scum, that’s a dumb question to ask. I have given my opinion on mercenary multiple times.

It is my job to pull myself out of the POE; but it is your job to try to make good cases against people. Your case was basically a stretch, and when people said it was you basically blamed us for not pulling us out of the POE when you cases us giving bad reasons.

basically you had the idea that I was scum when you started casing me, and that is why you were biased

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Because that is… exactly what you did? You’re pulled snippets of my ISO and stretched them as wide as you can to shade me.

But hey, guess you can get off my back now. Looks like you’re gonna have some green blood everywhere in… 8 hours!

Let me finish my final wallpost of this game, unless some miracle keeps us alive today

I expect you to cherrypick it :heart:

Cherry picking is not not literally analyzing every post, it is only picking the posts which contribute to your point of view.
You guys don’t have any effort to even try to see how my actions could fit in a townie behavior. You are just picking up scummy things and saying they are scummy.
I have ISOed few people but I have done them fairly. During the night I thought that Kai’s behavior was actually TWTBW instead of scummy because it wouldn’t make sense for Kai to go emotional where they are, I just think it is so prejudicial it is better of as a police lynch.
I found something that kind of locktowned Simon, so I didn’t bother on going further on him
When I ISOed Dat I took not all posts but only the most important sentences, and they didn’t all point to him being townie but ultimately I thought that a better indicative on Dat was not his posts but how other people reacted to him — even if he explained his ausence they were still pushing him for slanking, pushes I don’t believe to be well-intentioned.
I just don’t see that reconsideration on your posts. You sometimes change perspectives on people but it always seem to be on what is more convenient at the moment and what people would believe.

That’s what I’m complaining about for a quite long time
welcome to lost-all-WiM:Friendship is Magic