[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

also i’ve already 700IQ softed my class

Unfortunately I have to go to sleep now and then will be heavily occupied with school stuff when I get up for an extended period.

My next post will be a good deal later in the day phase, at which point I will post lots of ISO and self meta analysis on people like you know I always do.

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Game just started and folks already lay slank cover, so I will follow suit. I will probably be able to post mostly in the evening about 12ish hours from now.

Lets get down to business

what the fuck is eevee smoking to make these classes. I’m honestly curious. They seem really interesting to say the least.

I wonder if any other townies have PRs like me


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Why the fuck are we talking about prs already.

I don’t think there was even really a randomization because of the restriction I got (I’m not putting it further in details because OP tells me there are anti-claim mechanics, but my posts will make it really explicit). This might sound early-ish but I don’t really believe Marshal would “soft” their class when we have no idea of which kind of claimvig (most likely, since there are no flavors) was put in the thread as scum, so it gives me a small townlean edge over him.
I’ll further analyze the posts tomorrow, but now I should go to sleep. Anyway this game seems interesting and I’m quite curious on how it will turn out.

I definetively agree here but I think it has to do with our playstyles.

Astand is right tbh, but no one has given the initial push for the game to become content :copyright:. So here is my initial push. :wave:

Imagine being a hydra lmao.

what nerds


Okay fluffposting from me from me ends here.

Jake, stop lurk liking and post

oh no, I really did soft my class. But i did it in a way no-one will figure out, and a way in which no one could claimvig me for.

It’s not AI, because i do it as either alignment, but i at least give it anyways for future reference.

It got ambiguous so I must make it clear that “push” was made in the sense of “making things get into movement” rather than the mafia-meaning of push. Siiiiiiiigh I can’t edit posts and now I have to suffer like that because of it. Blame Eevee.

Join me the COOL HYDRALESS GANG :sunglasses:
HYDRAS ARE EVIL :snake: :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Is it normal behavior for Jake to lurk-like stuff?

I think you have some restriction similar to mines. Anyway, we don’t know how the claimvig works and at least if that you did counted then I will already count so pray for our souls and let’s hope I’m wrong.

I mean tbf he had started typing a millisecond before i posted that, so i think he was just liking the post.

But i still want to see content from him

I’m post capped too!
Can’t even do real time discussions now smh

So okay guys thoughts on Marshal soft, I believe he’s scum doing 10k IQ softing mechanically as usual.

Wow… won’t go into a deep rabbit hole named mechanics when we dont know wtf scum does, but man do I agree with this post about mechs. I can’t do half the things I wanna do >_>

So… aboard the Choo Choo train! Apparently every vote cast also counts as a bloody post as well, so rip.

Generate content guys!

Hello everyone. This is my entry post. My first post. I must use my posts wisely and consicely for ominous reasons. My other head will not die for no reason. At least, I can’t kill them.
In any case, I must go to sleep but before I do…

Imagine your class literally being named “Nerd”

It seems like the current Post District is underdeveloped. And my suspicions about something seems to be likely. I shall discuss it with my Hydra, if I may. But if you know what I’m talking about, you may want to keep quiet, as it may help find scum later. Toodles!~

I will produce content in a future Post. However, my current sleeping schedule is Restricting of my time here. Anyway, good night.

P.S.: Please do not post anything regarding your Post Cap, as it may help scum vig you. Assuming it is real.

Okay i have a lot of mechanical ideas and questions, but i have a feeling that mechanics are gonna be particularly misleading this game, so imma just can it for later.

I wonder what jake’s cooking up. been typing for a while.

Oh shit… im an idiot and didn’r tead my classcard.
This is literally the last post i can make today. Im so sorry everyone.

Please, try to stray away from mechanics talk and don’t mechanically clear. Good luck.

Im an IDIOT. I sign up for this game and then make myself useless d1.
:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

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Imma use one post for this
Don’t be stupid like me
I got slapped hard

Don’t claim your vote in thread, it’s proxy voting and claiming any sort of vote in main thread will literally half break you and your motivation to live.

Urgh… >_>


I’ll not post until my hydra partner comes online, have to talk about some tactics first. And I really don’t want to destroy the game for him just by claiming (even when I really want to reeeeee). I’m the newbie in our hydra, so I have a way higher post restriction than him, so expect me to sometimes letting him speak through me.
I’m just making the guess that hydras have a heavier post restriction than the solo players, so it’s kinda balanced. But ugh it’s brutal, in comparison to my previous games.
Guys, play calm and slowly. Read the rules. Twice. Thrice. Then think. And then type. Thank you :heart:


You waste 3 posts pinging everyone, even though DatBird would’ve done that.

One on telling us you softed.

One on fluff.

Another one telling us you already softed.

Then you check your classcard, see that you only have one post left, and decide that you should waste it immediatly on telling us that.

Instead of waiting, producing content like you’ve been asking Jake to do, putting that all in one wallpost, and then telling us that was your last post?

Anyway, I’m postcapped aswell.

Does anyone know who Chemist is? (Preferably someone who isn’t postcapped, so they don’t have to waste a post on telling me.)

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Ending reactiontest to call you a nerd.

Dat is asleep, and there’s no telling if he would really do that or not. I did it to get people active and let them know game started. Sue me.

These are all, at least you should think, from the perspective of someone who doesn’t know about their postcap.

And then the final one. The throw of heavy shade onto someone who, from your POV, woulnd’t be able to defend themselves, at all, for the rest of the day.

Reactiontest results:

I townread preistess and shuri more, because they mostly ignored it and didn’t really fish for anything about it.

Slight scumlean on jgoes for the awful reasoning and awful shade.

This is way too agressive and confident of an opener.

/fos jgoes