[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Does everyone or just some

Proxy voting means that votes go in rolecard.

Vote count is gonna be visible at EoD anyway, but not before it.

Hi. I’m a bit disquieted right now.

Jgg, I’m reading through your posts. What are you going for here? Are you saying Marshal is scummy or not? And why?

So walk me through this. You drag Marshal’s reaction test out in the open because… if it was town, you found it stupid? But it also could be mafia? Like what I’m getting here is that you’re not really scumreading Marshal here but you decided to make a large post anyways to call it out, why?

Also why are you asking about your own hydra partner…? Chemist is gonna come along eventually, you guys can get to know exactly who each other are in private, when there’s other players in this game that I don’t think you know?

Marshal, what exactly were you hoping to accomplish out of this reaction test? Like obviously you got some reads out of it, but your thought process was, “I’m gonna just drop that I accidentally passed my post restriction, and…?” Like what are some standard mafia/town reactions that you were expecting? Were you just not gonna say anything for the rest of the day? What’s the deal?


So I have read the thread and apparently everyone has a posting number restriction, which you reaction testing as having one and later drew back the claim saying that you didn’t
Since “the ability similar to mines” was the post restriction, I don’t have quite a reason anymore to have a town impression of you. Rather… how did you know everyone has a posting restriction when you rn claim not to have one?
Anyway, I agree that Jgoes’s opening is purely scummy behavior. He won’t even read Marshal. Since you are now both scummy to my eyes, it may all be shallow basicass distancing since of how senseless the reaction test and the push are anyway (as Disqueted pointed out).

Yes, he did the same thing in SFoL 53: LT.
He said something scummy then retracted it and said it was just a reactiontest.

I don’t have time to check whether or not he’s done that before in other games right now, since I’m at work/internship.

I pointed it out because I thought it most likely came from scum, but there’s still a chance it comes from town.

I asked about him because I thought we didn’t have a private chat, but it turns out those are Discord PM’s and not Forum PM’s. I still don’t know his Forum Name though, and he hasn’t answered in Discord yet.

So Geyde and I have observed the thread since the game started and we’ve gathered some interesting information in regards to the alignment of players. Please read this entire post, I tried to format it in the most accessible way.

Lets start with Shurian.

I didn’t like Shurian’s first post. I said it looked extremely ‘off with the fairies’ like Shurian was in Mountainous Arson. However, Shurian’s posts improved:

Geyde pointed out her second post to me, and how she actually made conclusions in this post which were completely lacking in her Marson game. Shurian was very wishywashy and ‘off with the fairies’ during Marson and from my informed perspective of that game I believe she was trying to imitate how confused she was in SFoL 53. Here she’s a lot more direct and makes conclusions off of her second post (even if she didn’t read the OP).

We examined her Day 1 ISOs from Marson and SFoL 53:

Marson (Scumgame)
SFoL 53 (Towngame)

Overall, we came to the conclusion that Shurian is probably town from how conclusive her opening post was (disregarding the Marshal vote). We noted that Shurian is her usual bubbly self but she isn’t using the bubbliness as an excuse to not contribute like she did in Marson as another reason for being town.

Next JakeTheWolfie.

Here is his opening post:

I noted that although this post had no substance, I thought his overall confidence was a good sign (Geyde disagreed as he thought it could come from having Alice as a partner). I also made a weird-ish read that I thought, if Jake was scum he’d not think about ‘discussing with my hydra’ instead he would be thinking ‘discussing with my teammate.’ For us, Jake is a slight townlean.

This is her opening post:

To me, Mercenary seems much more solvy and invested in the game than previously. What she says makes sense. This indicates town for me at this time, so we’re leaning town.

Now Marshal and Jgoesgaming

I don’t know what to think about Marshal’s reaction test, it seemed pretty reachy. Jgoes’ reaction to it was interesting as my initial reaction to Marshal’s test was ‘Marshal has a 10 post limit he just used up :man_facepalming:.’ On the other hand, Jgoes decides to scumread Marshal for it? I don’t really understand the mindset Jgoes was in, and he hedges on it as well:

I don’t really see how scum try to look towny from that post, the only way it would’ve been scum indicative for myself is if Marshal was just trying to pretend he couldn’t post anymore so he didn’t have to generate anymore content.

However, I do believe this was a valid point:

From the perspective of a player who thinks Marshal is out of posts, this would make sense right? Yet Jgoes himself admitted he saw it as a reaction test or scum trying to get towncred. Neither of these scenarios make sense with the above post which indicates Jgoes was probably trying to shadethrow Marshal for it, rather than think about what Marshal was doing.

If Jgoes thought it was a reaction test (from town), why call out Marshal with so much shade?
If Jgoes thought it was scum trying to get towncred, why wouldn’t he actually state that he thinks Marshal is lying about his PR and therefore, is actually scum?

Also I don’t really see how scum!Marshal could’ve gained towncred from this, by the looks of it, everyone has a posting limit.

Overall I’m leaning scum on Jgoes.

Priestess, SirDerpsALot and Vulgard.

Both had NAI entries, though my gut says that Priestess is towny at this point. Vulgard’s opener excusing his lack of trying was interesting to me, but I don’t think it means much at this point. Derps is completely Null to us at this point.

His opener:

I noted that it was obvious disquieted had played before so we should treat him as such. The reason why I disliked his opener is it drew absolutely no conclusions and asked a lot of questions which indirectly shades both Marshal and Jgoes. However, his questions were decent and I would like answers to and I want to see where Disquieted goes during the rest of this day.


From four posts, astand’s ISO is pretty bad:

Geyde pointed out that astand’s ISO was entirely shading and an attempt to establish authority. None of their posts further the gamestate at all.

I thought that all of astand’s posts so far are extremely reactive and lack focus, and the fact that he only slank covered after everyone else suggests to me that he is scum wanting to stay under the radar, by not drawing attention to himself for his slank cover (‘others have done it as well why are you singling me out’ would be his defence).

The shadethrow on Kai for talking about his Post Restriction (he just ‘happened’ to interpret it as Power Role even though it wa obvious Kai was talk about his Post Limit), was particularly bad in my eyes.

Overall, we believe astand is most likely to flip scum today at this point in time.

The last three people who have posted so far (Kai, Arete, Maxwell) are null reads for us at this moment.


I disagree slightly with it. Disquieted seems more the kind of person who wished to know what was going on (having Jgoes answer their post) before reading. The questions for me pretty much look legit as if they were asking for more information and not shadowing imo.
But yeah, it will be interesting to read them further in the day as it is a fresh experienced player :tm: Currently neutral on Disquieted because they haven’t made any reads and asking questions is not hard to do as either alignment.

Also by how Astand posts I believe they either have a very high post restriction or don’t know they got one (since his 4 posts were useless one-liners). Judging my Marshal’s TMI I would say that scum knows everyone has a post restriction, and Astand’s posting style is pretty much very relaxed to reflect the pressure to wallpost = locktown like I expect from scum that game.

I see now I have misinterpreted the last post as mechanics talking, lol. I follow up with that Astand’s tone and content are pretty wolfy, but in the context of this setup he has a chance to be town just for how little effort he has put in.

did Arete and Maxwell post???

Hello, I am awake and up now. I kinda like my class, it’ll be a challenge to use in a useful way but i think i can manage. I also have an inference in thread about mechanics, but I’ll leave that off for another time.
yes this is my first post, and yes i am using it like this. I think it’ll be fine.


For the sake of clarity - if I am not posting, it typically means I am either asleep or waiting for my hydra partner to get online/ready to play.

This is the last post I am going to waste on day 1; I just felt like informing everyone, because I keep posting in other threads but do not talk here.


Alright, this started on a terrible time for me and I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, so this is going to be an interesting discussion

This game is gonna be so stressful for my because:

  1. Never Hydra’d before.
  2. Never been this role.
  3. Have a terrible PR and I’m getting stressed over it. I just hope that Priestess can help me where I cannot help as much.

Post count: 1/20.

But luckily got a role which should be great and super testing of my ability to both

  1. Work with Priestess
  2. Read on a similar page to her.

Why are you stressed, you’re not the newbie here. This is my hecking first real FM ever
And you’re the reason why I have to play somewhat responsible. Meh
But yeah, I like our role too
No idea tho if I like to work with you :eyes: We’ll have to find out

@Marshal Can you not 1. waste your post limit. 2. just meme around.
Jgoes push in this regard seems towny to me.
Marshal: does stupid things
Jgoes: everything is fluff and softing
Marshal: “Ending reactiontest to call you a nerd.”

Also it seems… strange to talk with myself. :wave: Hi PKR

1 Like

Hm. getting a scumread off this, weird as it is.
pkr claiming pr, which makes me just initially wary as a precaution (but is not AI in and of itself)

but that post count. 20. hm.
first, are you counting priestess in that? because she posted once before this
second, 20. from my observations eevee has been going for a trend with the post count. this is still possible despite the observed trend, but im waiting on something to confirm/deny it. intentionally not going to say what that is

its difficult for you to defend yourself in this position i understand, im not going after something you said or how you acted so its not much to debate. we could debate on the assumptions but that way lies madness, and the wasting of posts, in my opinion. so if you have a way to defend yourself here, great, give me it and we’ll leave it at that, if not its fine if you wait until something else shows before responding

some of you may ask why im “wasting” a post on one response. its because we have to do this to progress the game. if we all wait until there are more posts to respond to then it will never get going. we have to use some posts to get a history going to make reads from.
this would normally come from start of game fluff, where people would normally get semi-reads, to then be read, and those read, to eventually make proper reads.
since this not going to naturally happen with this game due to the post limits, we must make an effort to intentionally generate this kind of history.


So I’m guessing you’re reading Marshal as scum because of the reactiontest comment?

To answer ur question Priestess already talked on this below

So from my guessing each hydra head has it’s own post count, with some heads having more or less posts.

I really like this post honestly. A lot of work and thought went into it, and I’m reading their slot as town for now.


I was fishing for the town reaction of making a comment about it and moving on, because town really didn’t have time to linger on it. I was looking for scum reactions with people trying to discuss mechanics around it, or discuss a lot about it in general.

I have no post limit, nerd. idk what eevee was thiking, but i’m free.

discussing mechanics =/= scumtell, at least not always or not consistently.

this is also interesting.


I was planning on waiting to talk to FK before making my first post, but eh, why not?

Weirdly enough, I kind of like Marshals reaction test, and I feel like Jgoes’ reaction to it was poor to say the least.

wallpost=locktown Jokes aside, this is an incredibly indepth post. I don’t think there’s much I can say about it that isn’t obvious - well done.

I think this post is too much information to be giving out if you were a PR.

I wish you luck handling her, PKR… :wink:

Anyway, I really don’t like how much everybody’s talking about their post counts and such. I feel like there’s some correlation between some post limits and their roles, and the OP specifies that “anticlaim may or may not exist”. I know it’s not specifically claiming, but there’s decent odds that it can narrow your role down to the scum. That’s just my two cents though, I could be horrifically wrong after all.

with that said, my post limit is 1 see you all tomorrow


I was meaning more in a fishing way, like "oh no! does anyone else have this? what are the punisments! Let’s talk about this and not actual stuff.

/backup…? @eevee