FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Mkay, so I am solidly in the camp of “Let’s not do any lynches today” mostly because:

  1. Alignment does not flip, meaning if we do lynch someone we will not know if they are a polly or a spy, arguably giving us even less information.
  2. A role once dead is taken out of the rotation, and I feel like it would be bad to lose a role this early, especially on d1.

Bad thinking process, we lynch scummy players, we don’t necessary have to go off associate reads plus there is a priest type role.


Yup but if that priest like class is scum he can lie to us so we should be careful.

I’m pretty sure the priest like role you’re referring to is on Sam rn :thinking:

I thought it was marl, plus the fact is that we will never win the game by no lynching all the way. You are suggesting we don’t lynch anyone scummy today. Tthat is such a bad idea as we will lynch the scummy players today TOMORROW because we didn’t actually gain any information from last night.

Marl is the role which sees player alignments upon lynching, sam has the one which copies dead players abilities.

*death not lynching, my bad

I mean my though process is most likely flawed cause I like to be more careful personally, but that’s slightly okay.

Oh he is Sam?

Yeah I’m pretty sure he is scumz so he is prob gonna lie

Depends on what y’all mean by “priest like” cause if you’re talking about finding out alignment it’s on Marl, but of you’re referring to the ability to “revive” dead roles I would say Sam is the closest cause Attorney General assume the abilities of a dead role

I’m assuming if Spy would die and they were checked by Attorney General, they would know that they had a factional kill or they can talk at night.
Is it how it works?
@Hippolytus @Livicus

Ask in your PM please.

You mod, Marl is priest

TBH, I am very confident in this read due to thread posts and reasons that htm is scum

No priest is knowing the faction, please we are using regicide terms since this is basically a knock off

This game is smalltown like regicide you moron.

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As I said a knock off, dont modkill me please

It is semantics dont argue with me

It is not worth your time to argue with me

Its a scum17z game change my mind