FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

Well I obviously didn’t heal him so that checks out

Not sure, he was Openwolfing so there is a chance however…

I looked at the conversation for a brief second however I don’t think sam and htm would make that horrible S V S to prove each other.

In all honestly I think they would have tried to make it a little bit more believable so I see two as a possibility.

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@Queen_Alfa what do you think of bin?

Note for myself: Blacklist htm from all my games :notebook: :pen:

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As well @NozBugz why did you trade twice?

/Vote Bin
May we have a readlist sir?

I’m not sure of bin tbh, mostly cause like Bin is somewhat quiet scum? But, and here’s the thing Bin’s interaction with FK when they seem to ignore or tried to confuse FK’s words is really iffy

If bin was on a scum team who do you think his partner would be?

I dunno actually, I’ll have to look at my reads again, I’m sus mostly of the quietest people for now tho.

Vote bin with me and also tell me who you think is most likely.

/Vote bin

Well, something about Mthejoker doesn’t sit right with me, I dunno why, but he seems iffy, but then again that’s just my gut.

@NozBugz what do you think of bin?

Potential Spy Ministers Count
Bin Litten, Alfa 2/5

Tsk tsk in current state whoever the spy is between Bin/Noz if were referring to N1.

But before we hammer, what your thoughts on last Spy?

If noz is the spy it would explain why they aren’t answering my questions as well why they traded twice. There was no reason to do that.

Vote bin with me. Get him to L-2

@Twil1ight @NozBugz @PoisonedSquid @NuclearBurrito
Vote bin, but don’t hammer, we got to get him to respond.

Also @MtheJoker


/Vote bin