FM: Ministry [Spies Win]


Scum just sheeped and quick hammered but yo,o


@Hippolytus I have to start church can you flip this please

Riot show me the rolelist when I die

Day has now ended

Sam was lynched. His current role was:

Transport Minister

You are the Minister for Transport. Itā€™s true transport is by far the most boring job, a fact you accept with a heavy heart. But never discount the transport system, the entire Ministry could collapse if it were to go awry. Your actions may well decide the fate of the entire Ministry: but take care, for you may well end up causing more harm than good.

Every night-phase you may swap two targets. Everyone targeting one will be redirected to the other for tonight and tomorrow.
You may not target yourself.

Night will end in 24 hours. Please send in your actions.

N3 has ended.

Luxy was killed. Their position at the time of their death was:

Immigration Minister

You are the Minister of Immigration. You have the keenest eyes in the land. Youā€™ve always loved watching people, ever since you were a child. At times this has gotten you in trouble with the law - all a misunderstanding of course, nothing a few of your fatherā€™s cheques couldnā€™t clear up.

The last time you were caught, however, you were given an ultimatum by the authorities - face hard-time in jail for breeches of privacy, or become the Minister of Immigration. It turns out you actually have a lot of the necessary qualities to fill the job: you excel at tracking people, are essentially a criminal, and are a closet racist. Perfect.

Every night-phase you may select a target to see all their visitors.
You may not target yourself.

A new day brings a new Cabinet!:

Prime Minister - Noz_Bugz
Speaker - NuclearBurrito
Housing Minister - FireKitten
Attorney General - Queen_Alfa
Justice Minister - Twil1ght
Education Minister - PoisonedSquid
Trade Minister - Overhebin
Health Minister - MtheJoker

Roles swapped twice last night.

With 8 alive majority is 5. Day 4 has now begun.

@PoisonedSquid what was sam?

He was a Spy

Guessing Luxy was town

Letā€™s bring something upā€¦

Do you think we have 2 Spies or only one left?

If Sam was indeed Spyā€¦

It was established that Insanity was a Politician, so it might likely be two

I have a theory.

Bin is a spy.

Here is where sam was defending bin but something I noticed

Sam was voting for nuke HOWEVER HE NEVER TOLD US TO WATCH HIM Which is strange IMO, but the fact that he wanted nuke hung makes me think that bin is mafia, and he wanted to prove bin.

Also, the fact that there are only 2 other people who could have killed marl which are noz and bin and noz was afk.

I would think 2

Iā€™m guessing 1 because sam really wanted not bin hung however I could still see two.

You think HTM was scum?

However noz could have been puppeted as well.

Hold on.

If Bin is Spy then there have to be 2 cuz I blocked him last night