FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

We’re getting close to a hammer on htm, how much time do we have left?

its either u or htm. i want to trust u for now.

this non flip is gonna leave us more confused.

Not lynching is never an option, scum can use certain roles to their advantage making things more difficult in the long run

i voted. so its all good.

no u dead

Can you explain why you want to lynch me?

Cuz u are a nub

Has memesky hacked into your account because it really seems like it where I cannot have a conversation with another human being

Anyways enough ranting for myself, I wish you no harm but take the game a little bit more seriously would be my request.

Hmmm, okay. But I request from @Insanity to be on Marl.
Either way I suspect I’m going to die, so eh.

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Accused Voters Count
Sam Insanity, Celeste, Luxy, Nuke, Htm 5/8
Htm Litten, Twilight, Sam, Marl, Joker, Bin 6/8

9 hours remain.

Judging from the fact of very spilt votes I’m assuming that this S V T, I’m leaning towards htm being the scum though as he responded horribly towards the bait and didn’t even get the word correct.

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It’s not OMGUS if you have a reason

If I had voted Sam for absolutely no reason it’s an OMGUS

You said you are voting me because I am voting you or because I am trying to lynch you, but i am scum hunting and you scum slipped badly.

Also so the leave part of the plan is executed now distract and evade questions am i right?

There is likely scum on my wagon

Considering people just immediately sheeped onto the wagon


I’m voting you because I think you are with that bait

And I told you my reasons on Squid but you didn’t tell FK that and just agreed with him and gave more points.

You because i baited you and tried to gain information with bait and spread information I am scum?

Why is the bait scum indicative? Defend yourself i think you are at L-2

It’s just bad…

I can have 9 other PMs hiding the other PM