FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

There is literally so much irony in this statement.

You say you ā€œcanā€ not that you do have and I think you dont and even if you scroll down for like 2 secs it wont hurt. Also this is a recent game so no. That is an invalid point

Itā€™s a valid point for reasons which I think are angleshooty

So this is why I am scum? I was creating information and the information i got caught a scum


you are not scumz because of angleshooting lul

Iā€™m just saying itā€™s valid. I still believe that bait is NAI and itā€™s scummy

Want to explain this btw? You seem to be avoiding this other reasonā€¦

It seems like you made a statement to defend yourself, but if you have a question I will be happy to answer it

So you must have known that I presented my reads about Squid and thenā€¦


Yā€™all keep talking.

He was just RVSing

Thank you for expecting a lot for me, but I dont memorize every post, I usually skim it and at the time i didnt know what that was in reference to but you made it clearer now I understand what you are saying

There is a lot of resistance to your vote how do you feel about that? Do you think your scum buddies are defending you?

No I think that the reason just doesnā€™t make any sense

Sure there could be scum trying to get town cred by defending me so if I get lynched the priest can check me.

Interesting, but how can we trust the priest?

Just an fyi the longer you take the respond makes it look scummier for you like you are going into the night chat and getting the answers from someone else or thinking about it for a long time to make sure you dont scum slip

If sam is scum, htm and Celeste isnā€™t scum. As this looks like a T V S situation between them, as well sam was shading Celeste here. I donā€™t think sam would distance right now as he thinks htm is getting lynched at this point.

If htm flips scum,I think squid is scum IMO, as he is trying to paint them as a VI, the trick is because he wants itā€™s to not look like distancing IMO, and if he was scum he could even paint suspicion on squid if they werenā€™t his teammate.

As well, if htm is scum marl isnā€™t, as htm sheeped the vote onto marl. And I donā€™t think he would do that right away.

@Hippolytus @livicus time?

I mean you can try to read him

I think the priest like class is Marl?

Depends on what your reads on him are.

There is 8 hours and 30 minutes remaining.

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Also sam is town if htm is scum.

Why cant YOU try to read him, why do you have to rely on everyone else?