FM: Ministry [Spies Win]

yeah me neither

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@MtheJoker compare luxy. @Luxy watch whoever you want to watch.

Iā€™ll Heal Joker

Or should I heal Poisoned?

Eh. Iā€™ll WIFOM it

Squiddy better grab chancellor is she hasnā€™t already pls

/vote Sam

Donā€™t worry, bucko, I already have it

@Twil1ight @overthebin @MtheJoker I donā€™t think we have enough time left.

/vote sam

Accused Voters Count
Sam Nuke, Litten, Squid, Alfa, Bin 5/6
Nuke Sam 1/6

Majority is 6.


I wish this game was more active, but I didnā€™t like this sudden ride into Nuke even though I havenā€™t him high on list, but eh.

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Wait isnā€™t it Hammer?


Thats 6

I mean if itā€™s FK + Nuke Scumteam then weā€™re probably screwed but hey!

@Livicus @Hippolytus

Fk cant Vote
/Vote sam

Wait nvm wrong game

Well then. People voted me over nothing. So I would say people should pressure Alfa / noz tbh

And squid too tbh