[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Name Host Size Description Start Date
Danganronpa 2 Jane + ? 16 Danganronpa, adapted to the Forum TBD

I’m not done designing it yet, but if anyone wants to Co-Host, lmk.

Shouldnt BtM3 start soon?

Nah, I asked a while back.


I’d happily help

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Alright, when I know the Starting Date, I’ll ask again to make sure you’re available.


cough cough whatever its prob fine

Oh sorry.

Mole are you hosting BtM3

No Pkr is

Pregame alliance that if you kill me I get ur firstborn child and vice versa?

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I’m prolly not even gonna get a spot tbh, someone @ me when it starts

Jokes on you no one wld ever have kids with me sucka

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Is Deus Ex 20th Anniversary: Enemy Within 4 ready to be reviewed?

It’s already being reviewed by DatBird.


@Amelia sfol 63 can open. Good luck :slight_smile:



Do I just add FoL30 to the “review” queue or does a reviewer do that?

we add to waiting to start

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I don’t need to do anything right?

I would prefer not to add it to the op myself
because lazy
but yes