Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

this had to happen after that turbo :^)

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That is at this point I need a co-host for the next game

what’s the misc game that’s starting after tower on the queue?

Sequel to these. I think they’re pretty much the same?

Nope atm its Eevees game

Both vldr 2 and beneath the mask asked to be after dangan

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BtM is so much fun, first one was probbaly most fun I’ve ever had on forum. The winner of the first one played amazingly and it was an honor to watch their genius at work.


That means it was you, doesn’t it?



Anyway, is it like Dangan or smth?

I’ll probably play it.

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I read through it and it seem more like an online reality game (i.e. survivor) with some mechanical additions more than anything else

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Usually generates salt. Can be fun

why is hippo so good at all of these misc/eimm games lmao

I mean, I am biased but I do enjoy it so I wanted to bring it here.
First one went alright, there was a bit of inactivity but it worked out.
Second one was just too inactive.

So I am hoping this one goes well.
I made all of the rolecards for here because of lol formatting differences.


Also, which other ones have they won?

Everyone is Mafia Mafia

things like neutral showdown/survivor, usually misc-type games, where everyone is their own faction and is trying to get to the end/achieve some other wincon


It’s less alliances and more memey than survivor. Everyone has a role and roles are huge part of game, simialir to The Tower. It’s quite luck based tbh as during the game lots of ppl get the opportunity to just kill someone 100% and theres very little the potential targets can do about it.

Idk maybe ur meant to have alliances I only had one alliance which was with Wolfy in the first one and turned out he had an alliance with everyone so it didnt rlly count lol

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if anyone wants to discuss do it here

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Purgatory should probably change its start date and

20 posts per day

I dont think that really changes anything, but maybe itll make stuff run a little better(but if hyperposting is the problem maybe not) but I dont care too much

I agree with the 2-games thing, seeing as a 15 and a 30p game probably shouldnt run alongside an 18p

NewD3 nearly didn’t have enough players in a 9p setup
JoaT^2 hasn’t filled as a 15p setup in like… 3 days?
I agree with it limited to 2.

I think the 3/2/1 aka large/medium/small system works pretty well

and yeah, a large setup and 2 medium ones running at the same time would be no

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