[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness - go to the other thread

Okay @Gamerpoke. I’ll invite a friend.

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Might take a while tho.


This is taking too long. I am in.

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Also, where are @NinjaPenguin and @eevee?

@Mercenary Add when this starts to the OP

15 players + I have a computer disponible

Nah this game just isn’t for me. Feels like there’s a pretty huge chance a massclaim breaks it or it’s at the very least unbalanced since most roles there are broken/unfun.
I’ve also been feeling the desire for more vanilla heavy setups and ones where reads take prevalence over mechanics speculation and this feels like it would be the exact opposite lol.


(13/oo) so slow…


One day

1 day?

One day!!!

Geez. Okay.

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1 day!

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@Mercenary could we start this?

May we have one more person?

I could probably get a friend to join.

Is there a blacklist?


Also watch Merc make this 3v12 Mountainous

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