I would join if they do this
1 Like
We only need 1 more person.
1 Like
We have 15
Who’s BlueStorm?
Seshmaster Sam Morris
Maximum likes. This is what happens when Eevee doesnt accept your bribe to give more likes
They will usually take about an hour to do all the prelim
BLuestorm is cohost. It says it in the description up top.
Who? Wha
re-join if you Let 16 players
Well it does say till Infinity
Just 15
Rolling classes. The alignment list is as follows:
- Mafia
- Mafia
- Mafia
- Town
- Town
- Town
- Town
- Town
- Town
- Town
- Town
- Town
- Town
- Neutral
- Neutral
- Neutral
OP scumteam, just hand us the win.
1 Like
…It is to inform you guys on how many of each alignment is the game
It is not alignment-indicative and is useless to angleshoot