[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness - go to the other thread

BLuestorm is cohost. It says it in the description up top.

Who? Wha

re-join if you Let 16 players

Well it does say till Infinity


Just 15

Rolling classes. The alignment list is as follows:

  1. Mafia
  2. Mafia
  3. Mafia
  4. Town
  5. Town
  6. Town
  7. Town
  8. Town
  9. Town
  10. Town
  11. Town
  12. Town
  13. Town
  14. Neutral
  15. Neutral
  16. Neutral


OP scumteam, just hand us the win.

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…It is to inform you guys on how many of each alignment is the game
It is not alignment-indicative and is useless to angleshoot

Jokes, do you want a thread lock?

Ping me on discord once you want it open.

Would be better to do so

Day 1 starts.

It will end in 72 hours, or until someone is lynched.

Please confirm your roles in your classcards by either typing on them or liking the rolecard.


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/vote Maxwell

:b:ote Count

Accused Votes Voters
Maxwell 1 Astand (#166)

With 16 players alive, the majority is 9.

Nice vote


Nice reaction.

/vote Gamerpoke