[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

I think reading the rolecards is important.

Someone said I am scummy due to the mention of traitor probably choosing The Lamb and having not read up the thread… It’s quite simple really. The cards including traitor ones are in the OP, so me commenting on it can not link to me not reading the thread.


I underestimated how hard the transition would be for me.
I just transferred schools.

Not the biggest fan of being on the same wagon as Baz atm.

/vote Magnus why shouldn’t we lynch you? (Without going into mechanical detail)

Another question for Magnus, why are you pushing on James?

Because he’s acting scummy.

What, you think i wouldn’t recognise the signs?

What are the signs?

The signs are

  1. target hardclaims scum, then backtracks.
  2. target is suspicious.
  3. Magnus predicts them to be scum.

When 1 and 2 are unsure, refer to rule 3.

I like your reasoning so far, however Pkr is also on your wagon, what do you make of it?

Literally Nobody:

Me Posting Something I knew I wouldn’t keep as a promise:

er he’s on the james wagon, same wagon as you is what I meant

Why are you scum?

interesting, what makes you think they are suspicious. COmpared to their d1 in Chaos?

lol three people all ask 1 person three different questions in almost unison


Accused Votes Count
Bazingaboy kai_5, LadyThamasa 2/9
Geyde bazingaboy 1/9
James Magnus, pkr 2/9
kai_5 htm 1/9
Magnus Hippo, Marcus 2/9
WazzaAzza Solic 1/9
PKR BlueStorm 1/9

A replacement is needed!

@Icibalus do you want to take the slot?


Who replaced out?

Not sure.

Answer our questions Magboi

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