[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

Not the biggest fan of being on the same wagon as Baz atm.

/vote Magnus why shouldn’t we lynch you? (Without going into mechanical detail)

Another question for Magnus, why are you pushing on James?

Because he’s acting scummy.

What, you think i wouldn’t recognise the signs?

What are the signs?

The signs are

  1. target hardclaims scum, then backtracks.
  2. target is suspicious.
  3. Magnus predicts them to be scum.

When 1 and 2 are unsure, refer to rule 3.

I like your reasoning so far, however Pkr is also on your wagon, what do you make of it?

Literally Nobody:

Me Posting Something I knew I wouldn’t keep as a promise:

er he’s on the james wagon, same wagon as you is what I meant

Why are you scum?

interesting, what makes you think they are suspicious. COmpared to their d1 in Chaos?

lol three people all ask 1 person three different questions in almost unison


Accused Votes Count
Bazingaboy kai_5, LadyThamasa 2/9
Geyde bazingaboy 1/9
James Magnus, pkr 2/9
kai_5 htm 1/9
Magnus Hippo, Marcus 2/9
WazzaAzza Solic 1/9
PKR BlueStorm 1/9

A replacement is needed!

@Icibalus do you want to take the slot?


Who replaced out?

Not sure.

Answer our questions Magboi

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Which ones?

This one.