[FM] Scales Of Justice (Rerolling in a new thread)

Except cop would have a check already.


there’s two people who haven’t played mafia before in this game

does sitting around waiting for cop guilties sound fun to you?
is that the mafia you want to show these new players?

in doctor + cop we can still scumhunt and lynch instead of sitting around doing nothing
That’s the mafia i want to show them, not this bad gamesolve that doesn’t even work 50% of the time and is just as broken by rng as the doc cop strat.

A check on a dead player, Eevee.

brb making a meme to express how i feel about this discussion


Cause that exactly shows them the depth of this game with all psychology and strategy aspect included.

Not just random acusing people, wich most people here do.

I mean Ici was right about this game being townsided and that good strategy can make it nearly unwinable for mafia.

And this strategy isn’t “let’s pick this 2 roles cause they are most known”.

Marl, you are a person who plays for fun and doesn’t look in depth into setups.
I understand. But you was warned this setup isn’t one of “fun” but a strategical one.

If he is dead then watcher would see who killed him and we back to 6 vs 1.

See the point?

I disagree, you just want to add 2 roles and done.

Mafia has many gambits, strategies ect.
It’s not a game of just who shouts louder or who has better charisma to convince people.

You lack any depth of this game here.


my masterpiece is complete

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no because the scenario we were talking about were if scum had a ninja


Why do you think so?

You saw my breakdown of roles and wich one are most worth it for both factions.

You just say you think and that’s all.

Actualy it’s all you do rn.
Lack any in depth explanation.

because i think you are mafia eevee
i think you’re trying hard to powerwolf the role you hard counter into the game

I’ve explained every single one of my qualms with your gamesolve
In detail even
I even made a horrendous abomination of a meme that took roughly 20 minutes to make

Same as you said I didn’t adress stuff wich I did.
Same as you said that mafia chosen ninja cause of gut feeling (that is what you saod at the first time).
Same as you said that solo cop visit makes him guilty.


why would i analyze my own posts

either way i dont agree to your strategy of trying to cheese the game with watcher

if they win the vote and i land one of the two power roles, i’m going to out myself immediately because that isn’t fun for the new players

if they didn’t get a pr they likely die without contributing anything

Not your post, but the bullshit inside them.
Half of your arguments didn’t make any sense.

we could take a middle ground of taking roleblocker but that can backfire and lead to wasted cop checks

We warned you about this setup.
You decided it’s not important.

Now bite what you cooked.

no that’s just the way YOU want to play the setup
The setup is fine with Cop + Doctor