[FM] Viva la Revolution - Being Rerolled


@Ashe vc?

Got it. Iā€™ll call a poll (although it sorta ends up alignment-based in nature, but vote how you would want it regardless of your alignment if you can):

  • Leave it as is.
  • Reroll the game after making the doctors no longer immune to their heal-type (they would also be unable to self-heal still)

0 voters

(This should an anonymous poll btw)

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
htm Margaret 1/7
orangeandblack5 Memesky, MaximusPrime, Icibalus, Solic 4/7
Frostwolf Luxy, Sarun, Margaret 3/7
Margaret Captain 1/7
Captain Firekitten 1/7
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Nerbins vote orange pls

Iā€™m fine rerolling tbh


People who are better at hosting than me: Should I lock the thread and put the game on ā€œpauseā€ while this vote occurs and all players vote?


probably yeah oh wait iā€™m the worst host ever nvm


still better than me even if that were true

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The game is on pause while the all players vote. This time wonā€™t count towards the day passing.

that means dont vote if you arenā€™t in the game, scumlords


While not every player has voted (12/13, seemingly), rerolling the game has reached majority in the vote, so Iā€™m just going to do that.

Rather than the idea I had, orange suggested something thatā€™s probably better that Iā€™ll use: make the doctors Macho so they canā€™t heal themselves. Iā€™ll have a reroll thread up in a couple minutes from now (edit: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fm-viva-la-revolution-reroll-resignups/71353) with that change included, and people who still want to play can confirm in that thread.

As for who was what in this game:
orangeandblack5 - One-Shot-Invincible Mafia Vigilante

Firekitten - One-Shot-Invincible Arsonist

Frostwolf103 - One-Shot-Invincible Anarchist

Sarun - Bombproof Bomb Defuser
Margaret - Fireproof Firefighter
Luxy - Bulletproof Doctor
PKR - Tracker

Everyone Else (Solic, Marl, htm, Maximus, Memesky, Captain) - Citizens


Omg, I am so proud of my scumread. :smiley:


Memesky was also spot on.

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Reads Captainā€™s d1. Turns out to be a legit Cit. Why.

@Memesky :clap:

give this man actual applause

we shame him when he fails and we applaud him when he calls the scumteam, thatā€™s how this works!