[FM] Viva la Revolution - Being Rerolled

/shoot Sarun

Uh I meant /confirm

/consume class



Confirm I guess

/vote PKR

that was the “why do i keep rolling scum” reee

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Meme scum team prediction:

Marg, Solic, Sarun.

Dunno why just randomed tbh

No one ever suspects Luxy…


Prob all wrong…

/vote Sarun still tho


100% pkr’s ree was because he rolled scum again.

/vote PKR

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I totally read that btw (not lie)

If there’s a D1 vote and I’m forced to try and survive, I’m going to be incredibly annoyed
P-Edit: There is no D1 lynch, so screw y’all, you’re not tricking me

Track PKR tonight so he can’t kill anyone :innocent:

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Feel free, it’ll prove fruitless


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you know what else will prove fruitless?