[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

At this point, outing as doctor is only a choice if you’re close to being mislynched. I imagined that their immunity would be good defense, but the fact that the chance was lowered to 1/3 rather than nigh-guarantee from the macho modifiers makes our previous strategy unviable.

Doctors should still post and add input often, without revealing themselves of course.

If we get no town motivation from them then we may accidentally out them as if they act too scummy we’ll get them mixed up with genuine scum. They don’t need to town lead, but at the same time they need to be town read.

Ngl me trying to death tunnel you just boosted my energy ten fold.

Of course, that goes without saying. I just think if we manage to get a confirmed citizen, he should lead and we keep doctors on them to keep them alive for as long as possible.

You can’t mechanically confirm a player as a citizen. We’ll need to rely on the most townread players to become the town leader.

Tbh I don’t like the idea of one person bossing everyone around. First off you can’t really have a confirmed town except doctor and or tracker. Second of people arent the best at everything so we shouldn’t have one person controlling everything.

Also you suggesting to keep the doctors all on one person is a awful idea as no one will attack him then everyone else will die.

I’m so bad at articulating myself aren’t I. That’s what I meant too. Thanks for putting what I’m thinking into words for me lol

There’s something called WIFOM-ing. You say they’ll all be on one person but then you play mind games with the killers.

As I said before, doctors should WIFOM their targets.

Ik that but sometimes you must say that instead of letting others figure It out as inactives will skim the thread and not really do much else except what people say no offense

Well poke the inactives and tell them to get their asses into gear and read the thread :joy:

So let me ask you one question.

I’d be interested in what exactly would you do as a town leader in this setup.

Honestly I was thinking of trying a new idea out but I don’t know how well it would work tbh. Because it requires certain conditions for it to even work tbh.

If I was a town leader I would basically aggressively “poke” at people. I would call out people who I feel like they aren’t saying what they are thinking because they aren’t confirmed Town as I think that if one person controls everything then everything will go down the drain.

Mostly I would want everyone’s opinions before I do anything.

Then say it. Unless the strategy goes bad if scum becomes aware of it.

Nah I won’t say it because I haven’t figured out if it is a stupid idea or a genius idea.

Anyways it won’t work if I’m being a leader anyway.

Actually it could :thinking: just be really hard

You’ve basically spent d1 just shooting down plans from both Luxy and I rather than coming up with something yourself, which is exactly what you and Orange were doing before the game was rerolled.

I’m not exactly sure whether this is a scummy behavior from you or just NAI, but until you begin genuinely helping us then my FoS is on you.

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I mean I was shooting down the plans that would almost certainly fail.

The only plan that I was thinking that could potientally work is if the tracker outed but if one of the protectives died the tracker is almost sure as dead tbh.

And why would you want the tracker to out? They don’t even have any innate immunities and would require the doctors to be on him non-stop rather than WIFOM healing.

Sarun the doctors could still wifom. They don’t have to even heal him.

The arso one doesn’t even have to go near him N1 or the bomber and they can always choose to protect someone else and if they want to risk the tracker being protected go for it.