FoL 22 - Dead Chat

Btw @Kape since you’re the only one actually alive for this, Launchpad likely pulled a Scorned play. Watch out for his votes tomorrow.

Disguise (Night) - Target player will appear as the chosen class if they are lynched tomorrow. - 2 Uses

He aggressively pushed Frost to draw a Frame, then he aggressively pushed me to draw a Frame. He’s not a noble.

If his next play is to claim he gossiped someone and they came back as unseen, note that you don’t get results and that’s likely his frame target.

Also I just realized the Priestess was nerfed to the Priest. Priestess used to be able to day chat with dead…actually glad that interaction is over.

D2 Logs:
Frostwolf103 - has a confirmed flirt so should be town
Priestess - TOWN
Htm - leaning town
EndOfTheWorld - Scum/Neut, not the same faction as Jake
AreteSlashStars - TOWN, bleeding d2
Alice - not group with EotW? maaaaybe group with Jake?
Kai_5 - claims knight, will resolve himself over the night
Launchpad - leaning town
Andrej - null, lmao 0 posts
Bazingaboy - null
Mincinmind - leaning bd/neutral? not group with EotW
Possessed - TOWN
WazzaAzza - townlean
JakeTheWolfie - very unlikely to be Town
Gikkle - null, slightly scum lean

Possessed: Alice was successfully investigated AND had her target redirected. Perhaps onto you [Priestess]
Possessed: Btw Kape since you’re the only one actually alive for this, Launchpad likely pulled a Scorned play. Watch out for his votes tomorrow.

These are my logs so far. Do you have any confirmation for the Lich thing or was that just guessing?

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Anyone wanna talk to the living again? I feel like I’m going to be pushed tomorrow for being lazy on d2.

The Lich was a guess because the first post states there is dead interaction but I didn’t see a Priestess. Now I realize Priestess is now Priest, a nerfed version.

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Im pretty sure its always been Priest, don’t remember it getting a name change

Nope Dat, it used to be Priestess; HTM was the last Priestess I’ve seen and HTM was able to day chat with dead (something Priest can’t after looking at the card)

Dont you mean the saint in SFOL 48

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In all honesty, day chat with dead is BS. Court found me because I killed the person who investigated me and they talked through HTM during the day.

…I’m dumb, you’re right.

So no FoL class is able to communicate during the day with the dead? Good.

I can kinda communicate with you if I channel, but yea.

I had the feeling that if I’m thinking Kape is evil, he’s definitely the Priest ^^
if you call the devil’s name…
Possessed would be a good choice to bring back, I’m not that active when I’m dead

Jake has in his logs btw that if he dies, BD should lynch either you or me.
The Priest or the Priestess

Priestess what do you think of my conclusion on yesterdays flip?

We can’t take Andrej for his actual claim here so we gotta analyze the play itself.

So here’s my idea Kape, you let me know how you feel: We won’t immediately out you as Priest if you decide to bring in my voice unless people are suggesting to push you. If I sense people discover you are Priest, ill immediately out that info so you can get Protectives on you.

You’ll likely have to out before EoD to not waste checks or anything on you.