[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

We should vote. Voting is not only for lynch. Voting is for pressure.

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Did I say we shouldn’t?

I’ll encourage voting at this point here.

Did I? I said be careful we have no trials.
do you know how easy it is to misslynch someone if vote count isn’t updated.

I’ll do an inofficial vote counter if all three of our hosts/vc bots are sleeping.

I actually think Soul is probably BD here, just specifically LHF BD. I don’t think evils would draw this much attention to themselves here; this kind of reminds me of Jake’s D1 in FoL 22, more than anything else.

Then again, I haven’t played enough with Soulshade to be able to analyze their meta particularly well.

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I honestly don’t even trust you to do that at this point but sure.

The fuck?

I wouldn’t compare it to Jake, but I don’t think Soul is scum at this point.

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Read everything me and priestess as said

Priestess keeps trying to take every single post of mine out of context to try and push on me

Soulshade, I’m lawful with each alignment. I would never lie about mechanics.

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If we notice Priestess putting in an intentionally wrong vote count, that’ll be a pretty sure sign that she’s scum.


Thus, we can anticipate that she won’t do that.

Accused Voters Votes
SoulShade55r Priestess :crown: 2/9

More then a small jab at priestess I doubt she would do something like that lol

it would be highly stupid as ek and only viable on a weird play.


Honestly, I would like to hear something from our silent players.


/vote Soulshade
Inconsistent as fuck, To me that screams scum tbh. I think Soulshade should be in the lynch pool

speak of the devil :wink: :wink:


Inconsistent in which ways? :wink: