[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

For some reason my awful strat got so popular

It’s very strange tbh

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R u srsly telling me i can’t go pure?

I saw it online, tbh.

No, because it doesn’t help your faction… your own survival or pureness or anything isn’t important at all

sigh… fine. I’ll look in a few minutes.

Well that’s not an effective strategy if you out it :thinking:

It is, because you know I’m not faking it.

The day will last for a maximum of 62 hours and 28 minutes longer, or until majority is reached.

I sleep and yall hardly post

Just going to respond to this but Me focusing on my own survival is a good thing and is in bd’s best interests.

I don’t think anything I have currently done is purely for my survival I wouldn’t of put my head on the line to get things going if that was the case.

It’s Fine to be defence and care about survival about bd because you don’t want a miss-lynch, but arguably I haven’t been worrying Just About my own survival.

*It’s fine to be on the defence

The importance is that defending yourself and making a rebuttal helps bd gather information from it, it’s more of a null action then anything but can be painted both ways depending on how good of a defence it is.

So here’s the thing. Yes, Soulshade is “acting scummy,” in that several of the arguments they’re making are kind of bad. But the sheer amount of attention they’re drawing to themself isn’t typical of how scum would play, particularly not newbie scum. This feels to me like the sort of situation we ran into with Jake in FoL 22 – someone who’s kind of contrarian, going well against consensus, which seems scummy because people tend to read people who disagree with them as slightly scummier, but isn’t actually scummy in most cases because actual scum usually wouldn’t take such an aggressive stand against thread consensus unless thread consensus were somehow really bad for them.

Yes, NK hunting is frequently used as a distraction tool by scum, or as a tool to look like they’re trying to solve when they actually aren’t, but this particular justification is pretty BD-motivated, and a Cultseen could’ve just not mentioned that they specifically wanted to find the NK.

Sure, mislynches are bad, but I don’t actually think Soulshade is wrong here – and I think if they were Cultseen, and we looked likely to nolynch, they’d be more than happy to just let that happen, since a nolynch is a free night of kills.

Again, I don’t think Cultseen would draw attention to themselves by pushing for a neut hunt, particularly when the thread motion was largely against this.

Disagreeing with whether Priestess is being inconsistent is totally valid, but if they think Priestess is being inconsistent that’s a good thing to point out.

I called this an OMGUS vote earlier, and I maintain that for all it was reasoned it was still kind of OMGUSy, but the tone here doesn’t feel scummy. I don’t know, I could be wrong.

This is not how scum would respond to a suggestion that they were LHF. The scum response to ‘so and so is LHF, not scum’ is something along the lines of ‘thank you for recognizing that,’ not ‘wtf no one here is dumb enough to even suspect me.’ When people are obviously suspecting someone, a scum isn’t going to respond by claiming that no one at all is suspecting them.

Look, I’m explaining this really badly but I think that given just how much attention Soul is calling to themself, the evidence points strongly to them being LHF, and not scum. IIRC they’re on the newer side to FoL, and they’re not behaving like newbie scum; if anything, they’re doing the opposite by repeatedly drawing attention to themself.

tl;dr Soulshade is probably LHF BD rather than scum, because scum wouldn’t draw so much attention to themself


this is practically my thoughts summed up on why i shifted him to BD LHF from scum

@Soulshade55r you’ve played before, yes?

Soul has played bferoe but dint think hes rolled scum

Does he usually play like this/can anyone who’s play with them describe how they play

isdkf look at his other games


bitchh use your fuckinn giners