[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

If you’re going to make a self meta argument quote stuff from the game

I haven’t actually looked into it

But I technically can look into it with a couple of ISOs on the people voting Kape and their interactions with Kape.

I really dislike this post, tbh.


Im jumping on because I was the target of the role fishing that got him there

kinda agree but I want to see what he says about Magnus Kape etc

Jake Push
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Accused Voters Votes
Kape H_Hja, Soulshade55r, Sulit, Kai_5, Sogman 5/9
Kai_5 Magnus 1/9
Magnus Kape, WazzaAzza, Frostwolf103, Possessed 4/9
Twil1ight Priestess :crown: 2/9
Currently Abstaining Players DatBird, Alice, AreteSlashStars, KyoDaz, Htm, Astand 6/17

Four ISOs = rip me. (I’m going to do it though… I hope I do)

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…wait, so you think it’s a bus but at the same time don’t know who’s the busser?

Can it even be a bus if I’m BD?


I have no idea who the busser could be but it could be a buss imo due to the speed of wagon and all of a sudden Kape acting very scummy

How can we trust you on this exactly?

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/unvote for now

Why did you dodge my question?

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As much as you trust anyone else to claim BD.

Why would anyone do this, this just condemns them in two days

Yes people can change their opinions and they can change them fast, but this was hella fast. And with the ISO format I’m not really sure what changed his opinion so fast. Just gonna keep this is in mind for later

What question?



:man_shrugging:, I’m tired, I can read them all later when I’m not cramped in a car, I just dont got the energy for it now