[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

If we assume EotW is unseen, his evil buddy is doing a good job distancing themselves

Fool would be the only other class that they could be, but that would be unlikely if they claimed fool

(and if you are wondering, I have read the other messages that were happening while I was away, I’m still processing it RN)

Answer this, please.

#1 would definitley be EotW
#2 Would be Possessed/Alice
#3 would be Htm

They are getting jailed.

They are the King.

You didn’t answer the 2nd part of that question.

Quick question: How do you embed a quote that someone else quoted into your own quote?

Higlight something and it shows a [Quote] button.

^ This is not what I want

Oooh, /shrug, no idea lmao.

@EndOfTheWorld Can you help me with this since you’ve done it?

And for this:

New list 1st of all

#1 is Possessed (I would expect them to return Not evil, but as a neutral if peeked)
#2 is Alice (I would expect them to return BD, as they may be the mastermind)
#3 is Arete (Probably Neutral or BD)

What makes you think Arete is gonna return Neutral?

They could be a possible Mercenary who sees their targets as BD and that it isn’t me or Alice.

Arete? There is no doubt in my mind Arete is BD

Or perhaps the Neutral Killer who wants to seem as BD as possible

Jake is Assassin/ Neutral.

Here’s the thing, Arete is a new player, and plenty of people have acted infinitely more sus than Arete

Then Window peek me as such,

In fact, no. You shouldn’t be investigated. You aren’t investigating the people who are clearly scum. You are investigating the people who could be BD.