FoL Feedback Thread

oof guess i have to delete myself

i like it

what if he bolds DELETE

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Idea: Only people who say they like alch can roll alch or have it rolled in their games.

Everyone is happy then.


Okay. I was joking when I said make alch NK.

But okay, I love these changes

How about removing the bleeding ability, and give it some other day ability?

Perfect idea we make alch a NK that can kill at night, then has a day ability where they can choose a potion that can either occupy/bleeding/investigative type Ability and maybe more

now where have I heard that before?


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wait with this we can literally destroy confirmabilty by allowing them to use any non killing day ability

There is zero reason Alchemists should be healing anybody in FoL because the feedback for getting healed was removed. Alchemists should be letting people die as quickly as possible so the game ends sooner.

In ToL, it makes sense to heal somebody to prove yourself, but healing is almost pointless in FoL when it goes against your win condition (seeing the game end) and isnā€™t guaranteed to prove yourself.

Alchemist needs to lose the healing ability - period. It is counter intuitive to the entire point of the class. People dying is a good thing for Alch.


I agree with this and I think they should gain redirection instead, so they can get ice warded/guarded/healed or redirect attackers away. It fits better with a survival objective.

Something would need to be done to fill the heal vacuum that would ensue though.

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Having alch redirect is confirmable via invests so no thx.

It needs to be fakeclaimable

Physician exists so guarantee a phys and youā€™ll be fine ignore if convert happens

Not if you donā€™t necessarily want an Alch around


Thank you orange, very cool

While I agree with @sketch, with out the heal ability, Alch is no more claimable than Reaper, so it is no longer a viable fake claim.

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If I understand FoL Alchemist correctly, you arenā€™t even notified if your bleed or poison is cured. You just find out if it was if you woke up alive in 2 days. I guess I donā€™t care if Alch is a viable fakeclaim because I never want to see anyone claim it :stuck_out_tongue:

The feedback change in FoL definitely moved a lot of power around between the BD roles. Physician, Butler and Drunks got hardcore nerfed while Investigatives became a LOT more powerful in relation to other BD roles.


Including yourself?

called it :^)

I probably shouldā€™ve edited it after I realised lol

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Seems more like Neutral Offense to me since the win con is different to any other neutral class