FoL Feedback Thread

What alternative do you propose?


Geyde told Solic to ask for what they want suggested this is a tinfoil Iā€™m going to do research into this

Iā€™ll tell yā€™all what my ten associates from Antarctica tell me

Add them ability that lets them change their last checked person 1 time

They came back with the news solic is just being a nice person

weird nice people donā€™t exist they are a myth

people from Antarctica is going to become a meme one day

honestly very powerful

too powerful

I think thatā€™s sort of bland to be honest.

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Well itā€™s not powerful per say, it could work but then it feels like maid is missing something

I mean doesnā€™t matter what as long as it isnā€™t defile check

Reading is already enough for someone to decide whether flip is fake or no you donā€™t need check for it

Night Ability 2-Find out your last targeted persons class type.

This argument can be applied to having any kind of investigatives.

9/10 if you lynch someone you expect them to flip scum

No flip is another thing since itā€™s a rare ability

Thatā€™s it hjasik

And is not main point of the game

reaper should make flips be CLEANED

or another nk