FoL Feedback Thread

That’s a buff not a nerf

Plus that would be even worse

I would claim alch as town or scum

No it’s not a buff to fool it will make players want to lynch it less wat


That’s what it was

It was changed to this

And this isn’t as awful but oh boy

Low bar

Technically it’s making the card stronger :man_shrugging:

Not helping it achieve its wincon but opposite

And making everybody else hate playing this game

Is there a survey on forum suggesting this?

I once suggested for ToL removing the penalty for lynching Fool and replacing it with a reward for nightkilling it. But I doubt that’d work here.

Let me answer both at once

Normally, those who lynch a Fool get a reward for doing so, because it is implicitly understood that including Fool is a massive waste of everybody’s time, really not fun for anyone when they inevitably win, and just takes away a lynch from the town as a whole for no good reason whatsoever.

We just made a survey and ppl said they don’t want to remove fool

We made a survey and people said they didn’t want to change Spy

Well done

Game design by anonymous democracy is awful and the FoL team should stop running things by polls.

It leads to everybody being less happy.

and a shit game

So orange should decide instead what will make ppl happy?

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Not what I’m saying and you know it but