FoL Feedback Thread

At least if you’re converted your prior actions helped you via giving you cover

This has almost the opposite problem on a daily basis

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Sometimes you have to take away the cookie jar for the child’s own good even if it wants the cookie

make fool NE like in alice game where lynching them gives them access to abilties

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can I have the quote of that class

I’m weirdly not as opposed to alignment Fools simply because they’re not just chatbots that repeat out the “common scumtells” pages on the MafiaScum wiki

Icibalus what have they done to you

The Begrudged :shield:

Neutral Social
Hellbent (Passive) - You cannot be killed by players who are not members of the Hand of Byzantium.
Unyielding Vengence (Passive) - All your abilities are locked and will only be usable if you are executed for treason.
Whispers of the Damned (Day) - Sends a message to a player, they will know you sent it and they can answer back. - Infinite uses
Influence of the Damned (Day) - You will be able to vote while dead for the day. - Two uses
Spiteful Hex (Night) - Permanently frames a player who voted for your execution. - Two uses
Eye for an Eye (Night) - Puts a curse on one of the players who voted for your execution, they will be instantly executed if put up to trial. - One use
See the Hand of Byzantium defeated at any cost.

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Could work

Radical opinion

Maybe the opinions of players skilled enough to be seriously considered for a spot at champs and/or those who have been around for years longer than others and played across multiple sites are worth a bit more than an anonymous poll :man_shrugging:

But hey maybe that’s just my ego speaking because my point is generally agreed upon by the demographic with the most ethical appeal :roll_eyes:

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Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather live in a world without any roles that benefit by messing with people’s expectations of lynching and acting as a crutch for bad players, but it’s slightly more bearable for the sake of not being brainless

Depression of not being able to remove fool

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Let me find the stages of grief

I’m also interested in making scorned harder

Combine with Devil ty

Eevee was also considered for that and to some degree me too.

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Inexplicably Handwaving Fool Into Being Decent
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They’re the same but slightly not and it never made any sense

I tried suggesting that

Apparently there is 7


He’s on bargaining stage

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