FoL Feedback Thread

We show the old version and the new version

Wait you messed up the Old and New

They’re backwards

No, we didn’t…?

Wait did I scroll up too far

Lemme see this on PC

yep nope Fool still has poor fellow

and fuck that

On the upside, we merged Scorned/Devil!

Hooray :partying_face:

hard to celebrate that when my bigger issue seemingly got worse

scratch that

it is definitively worse than before

remove Poor Fellow and then we can talk tbqh

literally cannot believe we merged a good improvement with a reversion to the literal worst possible fool ability we could have reverted to

let me remind you that not being able to lynch makes the game immediately not at all fun for anybody because you literally can’t even do anything for days on end

You can vote no lynch if you choose to end the day.


Wait how did I not see this

what a fucking waste of time

like I know this isn’t personal at all

but it’s getting really fucking hard not to take this personally when we have over two fucking years of refusing to make any real positive change


Delete devil

Add devil but renamed

Make up your mind.

This was Well Thought Out™️ Frost what do you mean