FoL Feedback Thread

It ain’t winter yo

Are they also immune to poison? Sometimes they are considered one and the same but just checking

Honestly like this change, more healing and power for cult

Omg yes, even though it cant be used n1 which is a bummer but I get why… this allows for better checking. I love it.

This is nice to have since I felt my last cult maid game was rather boring from the ability side. Also makes wifoming checks more important now that there are more framers

They are not, but it wouldn’t matter as the only poison in the game is butler poison for king and passives don’t transfer upon class change.

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Okay wasnt sure if FOL had separated bleeding and poisoning for Cult and Unseen. Just making sure. I feel like somewhere I asked this before and someone said FOL did it first

Are there any future changes you guys need suggestions on or anything?

Not really, or they would have been mentioned. I’m personally wanting to add the ToL neuts we don’t have yet, possibly overhaul Cult, or overhaul logs mechanic (orrrr just remove it).

So neuts wise we dont got Pretender. Is there anything else we are missing? Why remove logs?

We miss Inquisitor and Pretender.

Logs don’t interact well with any defile mechanic at the moment, are often forgotten and it’s more interesting to talk about actions in chat and having to out things there. It has just been mentioned, but it’s probably worth an EFoL to really see tbh.

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Can defilers change logs? If not should we make that change.I’m sorry for all the questions

Yeah totally. As BD I try to keep them updated usually

I see logs as something you would write in case u die so people know what’s up. Like idk I see them as useful as I try and get as much into them as possible, but idk if others do. If u actioned and u arent invest with a green check or havent outed yet you should openly talk ur actions, no matter what.

It sounds interesting to test though

Old Reaper and Possessor were the only ones that could, which is why it’d be log overhaul to modify those as well. You can give a lot more detail in a log defile than you could without it, so it affects the balance of any roles that can defile, so it’s not that straightforward, hence it’s an agenda point.

And evils rarely make logs, which also makes flips more authentic which is also problematic then.

You should soft those results during the day, so that if you die and suddenly flip Sheriff, your posts will make it obvious what you did if you hadn’t outed, but simultaneously innocuous enough that it’s not apparent you are Sheriff without your flip. That level of sophistication is however a lot to expect from this community. Logs are a crutch of sorts. They are however in ToL and a lot of players do like them, so it’s a contentious issue.

Some players have written walls of text in their logs, but don’t write much in thread. That kind of non interactivity is also not something we’d strive for in a social game.

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How was maid strength before? Balanced, too weak, too strong?
Scum!Maid can still discover easily who the NK is, so it is a free buff to cult maid as handmaiden wasn’t changed.

I’d say BD Maid was in a balanced state before and now still. Scum versions were both weak with cult maid being the worst.

It’s not a problem that scum can easily discover another scum. In fact that’s one of the big advantages that scum investigatives have and should have.

Handmaiden was changed and will find exact class if they find a matching class type. It doesn’t add a lot of additional power, since Prying Servants is in most cases superior for finding NK and converts don’t have a lot of staying power (they get turned into Assassin quickly), but it makes it a more consistent convert in case NK is already dead and makes the ability more balanced in comparison to Prying Servants.

If there aren’t much converts that can find the NK, I’m fine with that.
I wouldn’t complain of scum finding other scum in Triple Threat

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The Scorned :fire:

Neutral Social
Resolve (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing. Additionally, you are immune to death at night until you complete your objective. Targeting a player with a night ability will mark them for the following day. This passive is retained upon class change.
Bait and Switch (Day) - Target player will be prevented from using day abilities for the rest of the day. This includes abilities that resolve during the night (Imprison, Scout). - 2 Uses
Incriminate (Night) - Frame target player. - Infinite Uses
Disguise (Night) - Target player will appear as the chosen class if they are lynched tomorrow. - 2 Uses
Survive to see 2 marked players lynched.


The Scorned :fire:

Neutral Social
Utter Contempt (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing. Additionally, you are immune to death at night once. Targeting a player with a night ability will mark them for the following day. After achieving your win condition, your abilities will be disabled and you will suicide this night. This passive is retained upon class change.
Bait and Switch (Day) - Target player will be prevented from using day abilities for the rest of the day. This includes abilities that resolve during the night (Imprison, Scout). - 2 Uses
Incriminate (Night) - Frame target player. - Infinite Uses
Disguise (Night) - Target player will appear as the chosen class if they are lynched tomorrow. - 2 Uses
Survive to see 2 marked players lynched.

Summary: Lowered death immunity to make it easier to deal with a Scorned siding one way or the other. A Scorned will have to stay more neutral in that regard. Also eliminated their bargaining chip in being an extra vote post win condition, as they will now suicide upon achieving it.


No arguments here. Sounds good.

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To be quite honest, I don’t think NEs need unlimited death immunity anyway. Once you get attacked once, evils will know your alignment. That’s all you really need…scum to know you’re PROBABLY on their side (or they need you for now).

Its an improvement, but it doesn’t affect much.

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I prefer going a step further and making it a scum autovest, rather than just an autovest