FoL Feedback Thread

That works

Although I like the add or remove feature better

thatā€™s the exact same thing I suggested just without the blocked passive


The whole thing could literally be one ability

Yeah, I donā€™t think the occupation passive should exist.

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kinda clunky tho.

Yours seems too strong tho. Iā€™d go with burritos in that case.

But also prevents the first few days from being add/remove/add/remove for claims

True but I feel like removing someone shouldnā€™t incur a 1d cooldown is the thing
And the day ability slot (if we dont use royal announcement because itā€™s garbage) is unused


Steal nobles day ability cuz noble is already super strong?

Iā€™d go with burritos without the 1 day cooldown.

So just make removing ignore the cooldown completely

wait what about

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It as a night ability is definitely my preferred thing

Itā€™s essentially the same thing. Thereā€™s always a damn prince or sheriff outted who you would have to do it on.

True, but you can actually get away with lying and saying you used it

(Sheriff and Pally being confirmed is another issue which Iā€™m not sure hasnā€™t been changed yet)

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Maybe. Iā€™m kinda okay with announcement seeing as mystic will always be confirmed to be mystic/apostle/illusionist anyway.

Good point we really should use ToLā€™s Sheriff/Pally

What if Sheriff/Prince/Pally justā€¦ all werenā€™t convert immune?