FoL Feedback Thread

thats what i think

We should probably make Pally/Sheriff not unique if we were to make them convertible imo

for 2 reasons

  1. To make them more claimable
  2. For balance

Righteous King and Sinister King

good and evil arenā€™t fitting to the other King names.
(also thx marl for these perfect names)

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  • Give Squire 1 attack death immunity like priest
  • Give Squire full death immunity
  • Give squire 0 death immunity

0 voters

Polling the people

Priest is a 10x better class than squire already.

Give Squire a one shot night immunity too because they both cant do anything n1

right, so how about we give EVERY CLASS 1-SHOT BULLETPROOF VESTS because they canā€™t do much N1


Nice idea I approve

Give bulletproof for NK and Neuts and Unseens and Cults

Every other class can do an action night one. Even if they die, they still got to do something.

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Even if you removed all of her passives and day ability the priest would still be better in every way than squire

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Actually, there is one thing that i would say is pretty important.

Do you want Sheriff and Paladin be convertable and not Unique like in normal ToL?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I saw that Mystic is being reworked which is good
As we need to significantly reduce confirmability.
Iā€™d recommend a passive that x players start in the network.
As otherwise itā€™s confirmed to the first person they choose

Opinions on the passive:

Mystical Mind (Passive) - 2 random players will start in your Psychic Network. All players in your network can communicate with you and each other in the neighbourhood until you die

Rng in class abilities is meh imo


I heardā€¦RNG?


When you get

Asssassin and Mm


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I suggest removing Pug :joy: :ok_hand:

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I suggest removing salt :^)


Too op nerfs scum too much

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It would be better as RNG then a neighbour as neighbourhoods are always town.

Or is that mason?

But no matter. It means that the people are not exactly all bd. They could have an evil faction member or a neutral. Though this would most likely be the main chat to happen on quick topic to make sure that it is not to confirmable on discord as people could angleshoot to see whether you are online or not.

Actually, might be a good rule/custom to do on discord. Make yourself invisible so if your on both the forums and the cord, people donā€™t angleshoot that way. This tends to be custom for those that play FM on ToS. Maybe ask for an invisible switch on the forums as well if that could be implemented, which I somehow doubt it can be.

Masons are always the same alignment

Otherwise they are bastard

That is usually but not necessarily Town