FoL Feedback Thread

You know what I mean :wink:

oh you meant Dingledorf, got it :+1:

Exactly. There are a lot of ways of being aggressive or to tell the other one ā€œhey, your play is shitā€ other than personal attacking them.

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i mean, yeah i agree that staying away is good when youā€™re that angry, but if you stay away from a game the whole day it doesnā€™t tend to be that good for the game and the other players, especially when you need to catch up on 1k+ posts and could just perpetuate the cycle

iā€™ve also never seen a person only get mad for a single post then act like it never happened after that, thatā€™s just not how emotions work

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Priestess are you okay

You seem upset about this

What did I miss

Like the multipost and all caps have me concerned

big brother is watching

nah, sheā€™s usually like this

sometimes she rants about toxicity or about punishing ppl or whatever


Holy hell Vulgard youā€™re back

Not really any feedback, but I just love how

  1. It took over 1 month for the Psycho Kingā€™s crownings to remove The Druid and Parinoid
  2. The Inverse for Reaper
  3. The ā€œElectromancerā€ technically couldnā€™t become a Psycho King, only the ā€œElectrocutionerā€ could.

Not feedback but.

@Solic Weā€™ll miss you buddy, have fun on your future endeavours.


So is FoL 12 still going or what

Moderately controversial take: Alchemists should be informed upon being bled (unlike Physicians, and like non-bleed immune classes). This is so that they can if they so choose fake a class other than Phys.

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Least hot take on the planet since I agree

Thatā€™s why I called it ā€˜moderately controversialā€™ rather than ā€˜hotā€™

Iā€™m assuming itā€™s not uncontroversial on the theory that if it were uncontroversial it would already be the case

Question: Whatā€™s the niche of Archer? When did it get introduced and why?

Itā€™s town arsonist introduced by @orangeandblack5 not long ago

At least I think that was him

yeah during the new BD Killer competition