FoL Feedback Thread

Maybe kill so many players. Like 4 that might be more achievable. Idk just spitballing

So he kills 4 people and thats it?

Thats a pretty easy task to accomplish if the player is decent, and with some luck on their side.

thats a case where NK winrate would just fucking skyrocket for no reason.

its like Inquistor and killing his heathens, except his heathens are every player.

(Despite being irrelevant, I just want to say this is called a big brain move)

I agree it doesnt work, but if their wincon needs to change I’m at least trying to think of something new

Depends on how it’s implemented
If NK has huge kp, it creates massive swing

It used to be that NK was a tool to reduce swing in the game. Fairly sure that was the justification for keeping it
But now…no

give NK convert

At least 1 of them

That puts their kill on cooldown if done

I think removing the NK is the best go-to option now. We’re at the point where the game’s way too scumsided so removing 1 KPN looks to be the best choice FMPoV.


Scum would need compensation though, even with all the changes we have made to buff and change scum classes.

Cult would be forced to start an enhanced acolyte, as there is reduced KP now.

That makes it extremely town sided then

Without running the numbers though that’s just what I think in my head

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We’re getting to the point where the Unseen can easily win D3 with only one or no mislynches at all. It’s not like the game is too townsided.

I’d honestly just remove the NK and instead add a 3rd starting Unseen/Cult. The NK is supposed to be a balancing factor but for most games they don’t really do much and are just lynched early game due to player skill here.

we are doing something wrong

like, we have the same amount of scum as in tol and the scum win a lot earlier here

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Skill of players Smh

there is actually reads being made instead of relying on mechanics.

More gung-ho Knights/Archers and every day we lynch.

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that actually means we are worse then players in tol

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Ahh yes

the n1 suicidal knight lul

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it means that scum are playing better
